Dancing Is A LIfe Teacher

I have been dancing since I could walk.  I literally feel like I may have been born dancing.  I love it so much that I would not know such a joyful life without dance.  I danced every Sunday after church in my living room with some very good Spanish music.  It is a part of my person and my fiber.  It is natural for me to dance and at the same time I have discovered that when I don't dance my spirit is not quite as joyful nor my body.  I find dance very healing in my life and this blog is about sharing that joy with all of you. I believe that when we dance we learn some incredible and important lessons like: 

1. How to communicate without words: 
When we learn to dance we communicate with a partner without saying anything.  Our body is used in a way that tells the other person what to do next when we lead them.  We learn the subtle signs and when we get the message to turn or go in another direction we do so by being alert and present.  At times we even communicate joy in our facial expressions.  A smile during a dance truly says it all.

2. How to touch another person non-sexually: 
Whether we think it or not, partner dancing is intimate.  It requires that we touch another person and in some cases body parts other than our hands touch.  We may be thinking about more than dancing yet if it is done right it is not sexual in nature it is respectful and kind.  A man who leads a woman in a dance has the opportunity to touch a woman without the pressure of dating or a need to be witty.  It is pure fun and it teaches us that there is more to intimacy than full on sex.  It is a way to touch another human being softly and gently without a need to be pushy.

3. How to approach someone we are interested in:
Dance is a great chance to meet someone we may be interested in.  By asking someone to dance that we feel an attraction to we open up the lines of communication.  It is a nice way to introduce yourself through dance and get to know someone better.  It is likely that we will ask the same person to dance and that this person will get the idea that we might be interested in them.  It may be that the dance will lead to nothing more but then again it may.  That of course is up to us.

4. How to experience more joy:
Dancing usually ups our joy.  It happens as a result of doing something that requires us to move about and because the energy inside of us is moving.  We need our energy to move and dancing is a great way to do that.  Unlike other things like playing a sport, dancing is more connected and more intimate to the heart.  It requires that we feel something of love inside.  Joy from dancing can only lead to more love in our lives.  Dancing is a connection like no other.

5. How to become social and part of a group: 
Through dance we meet others and it becomes less awkward to socialize with others.  Dance is the ice-breaker.  For many dance is a revelation that they can be a part of something special and get to know a new group of people who may think differently from people who belong to a book club or a support group.  I think that if you are socially awkward as they say you will not be labeled as such once you begin to dance regularly.

If I were to suggest something healing it would obviously be to dance.  If you are someone who finds it hard to communicate with others I would suggest dancing.  If you feel like you may be missing something in life try dancing.  And if you just want to experience more joy, start dancing.  

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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