When You Feel Rejected

First of all rejection is a part of life.  We will all experience some form of rejection if not many forms of it in our life.  We will be rejected by people who feel we are not smart enough, good looking enough, tall enough, skinny enough or talented enough.  For this reason we must know who we are and no matter what others share about us or we think others think of us we will be able to get through any form of rejection.

I remember the early stages of dancing salsa when I would ask a girl to dance and she would say no.  It was difficult for me to understand why anyone would reject my offer to dance, especially because I practiced it often and I was a really good dancer.  I also remember the first girl I asked to be my girlfriend who said "no thanks I don't see you that way".  I was devastated and hurt and even felt as though it might have been that I was simply not handsome enough.  When I look back on those days of insecurity and ego I can now laugh, understanding that rejection is a part of life.

On the other hand we all know people who accept any offer believing that they may not be picked the next time.  They will say yes to anyone because they just don't think they are a good catch either as a friend or partner.  I recall those times when I would allow someone to pick me versus my being the one who selected someone.  I thought that if I said no I might not have a second chance.  Needless to say I ended up with a lot of relationships that were unsuited to me and were not the best memories.  In fact some were truly a mistake and looking back I wish I'd followed my gut and said "no thanks".  Today I can do that easily but only after a lot of bad experiences.

When someone rejects us we must know in our hearts that this is in our best interest.  We. Must not force anything with anyone because in the end there will be a break down.  When someone does not give us a job we must look at this as a sign that we need to keep looking until we find the right match for us in the form of a job that we enjoy and is better aligned to us.  If we are rejected in any way by any person it is just because it is their choice and not ours to make.  We cannot be liked or given honor by everyone we meet.  It is just the way life works.

When you feel rejected the best thing to do is to give yourself some love.  The next best thing to do is to call someone who loves you and ask them why they love you.  Combat rejection with love and seeking out those people in your life who care about you and like you for who you are.  When you feel rejected sit down and make a list of the characteristics that make you special and know that whoever rejected you may not have wanted to take the time to get to know it.  When you feel rejected just remember that rejection is a part of life and that when someone says NO you should not take it personal.  Everyone has different taste in people and value different things about others.  Rejection is truly just a part of living.  If you don't take the chance of being rejected you are not living fully and don't you want to live in your highest joy?


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