How to Be a Sensitive Man

One of the biggest complaints of women is that men are emotionally absent and insensitive.  Obviously if someone is emotionally absent it would be impossible to be sensitive.  We may believe that men are not sensitive but what is really the truth is that there are things that men don't get because they are men.  Nevertheless a man can learn to be sensitive about a lot of things if we listen to to women and what they have to say.  Women are sharing what they need all the time.  Women express their feelings when men listen.  Yet the truth is that a lot of men don't know how to be sensitive and are fearful that being sensitive may mean they are going to be hurt.  Part of the protective mechanism of men is hiding their feelings in an effort not to be hurt or appear weak.  Men can and should be sensitive and here are some ways to be just that:

Listen to what the woman is saying and act accordingly:
The one thing women say a lot is that men do not listen.  If that many women think this to be true then it must be.  It is as simple as listening to woman that will make a huge difference and turn us from insensitive males to caring men.  It does not matter whether you are a friend or a partner with a woman listening is a very important skill.  Women will say what they want or need and if we listen we can act accordingly.  Not doing what a woman is asking of us within reason is simply not very smart.  Women, like you, want to be heard and know this through evidence.

Let go of the false belief about men: 
Look at your own myths about men and how we should behave.  You can be sensitive and even cry when you need to.  Being sensitive is not a fault like you were made to believe.  It is in fact an asset to be the kind of man who is sensitive to the needs of others and embraces his feelings of sadness and can be OK with it.  Do not continue to buy into the stereotype that men have to be strong all the time.

Try to keep in mind that only a woman can have a child and honor that truth: 
When you think about the fact that you cannot have a child that could help you to become more sensitive to be more compassionate.  Although it is a good start to honor women it is better to celebrate them and revere those women who are good mothers and have brought up our children.

Think of a woman as your equal:
A sensitive man knows that women are their equal.  There is no question that many men do not believe this, but a man who is smart not only believes it he celebrates it.  A man who is caring treats women with the respect they deserve and is sensitive to the plight of a woman.  He understands that in order to be a gentleman he must behave like one.

Wear her shoes: 
A gentleman is willing to put himself in the place of his wife who is caring for their children.  It would only take a day to understand that a stay at home mother would not be able to be paid what she is worth.  Mothers who stay home with their children have a twenty four seven job that never ends, staying up nights when their children are sick.  If we even want to know what it is like we should stay home with our children for a few days.  We will soon become more sensitive to the work that stay at home moms do.

Read a book written for a woman:
I read the book "Women Who Love Too Much".  I did not expect women to approach me on the bus on my way to work because I was reading this book that was written for women.  I admit that my curiosity and my love of women drove me to read this book.  It was in fact one of the best self realization books I have ever read.  It also gave me some insight to women and how they think and feel.  In the end it made me a better man.

Spend time with another man and note what he is mirroring to you:
I know that men who have had roommates understand fully what it is sometimes like for a woman.  Men who have dealt with other men can see clearly what it is that women are talking about and what they are yearning for men to do.  Many men do not see in thems self what they see in other men that annoy them.  The reality is that other men will mirror your insensitive nature and get you to question what it is you need to correct.

Make a list of how you can honor a woman you love or women in your life:
The last thing I would suggest to any man is to make a list of how you believe you can honor a woman.  IT may be that you will need to ask women what the list should look like but if you are willing to do this then you are in route to a better life and to becoming a sensitive man that women love.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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