People Who Can Go To Hell

We all know them, the people who can go to hell.  We don't always know how to tell them but we'd like to.  Maybe we shouldn't say it but we sure want to tell them: "go to hell!".  Some may say that this feeling is not normal or that this kind of feeling is just too dark.  To those people I would like to say: "go to hell".

I am uncertain about you but I certainly know that there are people who you talk nice to that you should send to hell.  There are even people you wasted years in a relationship with that you should have sent straight to hell.  We are just too polite and like me you were all likely raised to "play nice".
Yet it's so interesting how after the fact you wish you'd sent them to hell right away.  We all know that feeling when we just wasted too much time on someone who was a jerk.

I would like to advocate for sending people to hell as soon as you know it to be the truth of how you feel.  Holding on to the nice guy syndrome will only make you resentful and very sorry down the road.  Just go ahead now and send those seeds packing.  The seeds that never grew and did not get off the pot or piss are the ones we are talking about here.  Just say it: "go to hell".

I know that for some of you this comes as a surprise from a life coach.  I know I surprise myself too.  Yet what I have understood over time is that people can be asinine and that it is sometimes best to identify them and move on, getting far away from them as quickly as possible.  Trust me they are not going to change.

I love the ad that states: Just Do It.  So without any more delay I say: JUST DO IT!



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