How To Become Your Best

Becoming your best is work and if we are not willing to do the work then we won't become our best.  The only way that transformation takes place is with intention and purpose.  We must be willing to go the extra mile and take the extra time to become the best we can be in each area of our life.  We must also be willing to work at it daily and on an ongoing basis.

Here's how:

Your Physical Best: 
In order to become your physical best you must exercise at least three to four days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes.  You must be willing to cook meals that are healthy and focused on foods that are green or raw.  Being your best physical being requires that you get active, stay active and eat the right healthy foods.

Your Spiritual Best: 
You can only be your spiritual best if you are doing things daily that are spiritually uplifting or that raise your spirit up.  Daily meditation and prayer is one sure way to becoming your spiritual best but there are more ways to rise up to your spiritual self-loving life.  Reading spiritual text, listening to music and silencing yourself and attending a spiritual place are some others.

Your Financial Best: 
I like to call this area prosperity.  I think that it is important to understand the value of money but also do something you love doing that will raise your level of prosperity joyfully and without stress.  Your financial best happens when you are doing what you love to do and letting go of a job that is stressful or keeps you unhappy.  For some this means working from home or owning their own business.

Your Emotional Best: 
In this area one may want to consider therapy or life coaching on an ongoing basis while for others self-reflection via writing in a journal is a daily emotional action.  Being your emotional best requires that you do things for yourself that are loving and self-nurturing.  Self counseling is a good way to stay in a healthy state of mind.  This is simply writing about how you feel and responding as if you were the mentor who is responding to you.  This activity is one that anyone can do and who knows better what you want to hear for healing?  You of course.

Your Creative Best: 
We often times do not understand the importance of being creative and creating things.  Tapping into our creative side asks us to look at our talents and interests.  We can take a photography class or a sewing class to jump start our creative self.  It is extremely important that we express our creative aspect even if we believe we are not creative or good at something specific.  Expressing our creative side raised our level of living and is a wonderful outlet to every day life.  Choosing a creative outlet and doing this at least once a week for an hour or so will help you to become your best and feel your best.

In each of the areas mentioned here there are individual ways to becoming the best we can be in each of the areas.  Begin your best life by looking at each of the areas of your life and deciding what you will do to be the best person you can be.  Congratulations to everyone who are already doing this and honoring yourself every day.


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