Fight The Winter Blues

If you are anything like me you have pretty much had your fill of winter: the cold weather, the snow removal, the heavy clothing and the wind blowing your fedora off your head.  There are so many ways to fight the winter blues whether you stay indoors or you face it head and go out and play in it.

Here are some ways to fight the winter blues: 

If you don't already have a set or two of Legos they are likely one of the most creative ways to spend time indoors.  When you play with Legos you will likely feel child like and accessing that inner child is even more joyful.  There are Legos that have themes like a gas station or an airport.  Playing with your children will also provide some quality time with them.

Create a collage with all of the things you love to do in the spring and summer.  Use some old magazines to cut pictures of people riding bikes, swimming in a pool and jogging outdoors.  Make your collage all about fun in the sun.  Cut out words that express what the spring and summer mean to you.  You may also opt to paint, color or create art with colorful markers.

Whip out the games and have a family game night.  If you live alone consider a video game.  I love Temple Run 2 where one person is chased by an ugly creature while trying to overcome obstacles by ducking down, jumping over things and turning corners at a high speed.  It is a non-violent game and is clean fun.  It is another one of the ways to access your inner kid.  

Dance Party: 
Put on some dance music and dance by yourself, with the children and/or your spouse.  Enjoy one solid hour of dancing indoors and getting lost in the music.  Movement is always healing and dancing is so much fun.

Whether at home or at your health club, get some exercise.  If you have a basement you could jump rope.  Again, you can include the whole family.  It is a fact that exercise releases stress.  You can only feel better after working out for 20-30 minutes.  It is OK to be silly while you are at it.

If you are like me you probably have a project you have been meaning to do.  It could be painting a dresser or hanging drapes.  Pick some project that you have been procrastinating about and do it.  Once you complete it you are going to feel really good about yourself and how you spent the time indoors so productively.

Play Outside: 
If it is not too cold consider going outside and playing in the snow or sledding with the kids.  Even if you don't have kids you may want to go to the nearest park and sled with the other families.  You can also borrow a friend's child and enjoy making a snowman or having a know ball fight.  Facing the weather and not allowing it to influence what you do is one positive way to fight the blues of winter.

Book a few days in the Sun: 
Book a trip to go somewhere warm.  Take a short trip to Mexico or Florida.  Get renewed by leaving to a sunny destination and enjoying a few days of hot weather and time by the beach.  Nothing is better than getting on a plane and flying somewhere where you can leave the cold behind you.  Talk to your travel agent about any good deal to any warm place.

Use Your Hands: 
Do something with your hands like sewing, cooking or making earrings.  Doing something that is creative and that utilizes your hands can be a lot of fun and therapeutic as well.  Find something crafty to do and let your mind relax by playing some classical music while you make something cool.

So there you have it.  Fight those blues and have some fun.  Forget about the cold weather and just escape by doing things that are enjoyable.  Just do it!


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