Something Greater

"You must believe in something greater than what happened".  Unknown

I would not have imagined what was to happen to me and moreover how I would address those challenges.  Divorce, abandonment by a father, the suicidal death of my sister, a bad car accident, the deaths of my grandparents, child abuse, racism, the death of a childhood friend,  verbal abuse, emotional abuse and the abandonment by who I thought was a close friend.  Yet something greater than what happened to me helped me to overcome all of it.  It may not be that I am completely without scaring of some sort but my believing in something greater has helped me to make it not matter what people did to me or the mistakes that I have made.

Today when I was watching the Belief Series on OWN about people's various beliefs I understood better that believing is exactly how many of us, if not most of us, have gotten through the tough times in our lives.  It took someone like Oprah to introduce some of the most incredible and unbelievable ways that people worship or feel empowered in some spiritual way.  As a human being who has believed I feel a deep sense of compassion for those who do not and who may someday be faced with the most unbelievable situations that will may be the very thing that breaks them.

When I think about it believing has changed my life.  When I think about being a six year old boy and my father leaving me forever, never asking for me or looking back, I know that believing took me from six to sixty two.  When I think about believing I know beyond any doubt that I would not have survived and become the warrior that I am.  It is not a complaint on my part but rather a chance to share that believing is receiving and that when we have that kind of faith it is powerful and will heal us.

I have asked before and will ask again: What do you believe in?  My contention is that one must believe in something greater than the pain we will experience in life.  My contention is that when one believes one can not just accomplish things in your life but rather overcome those things called life.  I want to be the advocate for believing in something and also for believing in yourself.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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