A Father's Daughter

As a father of two girls who are now adults I am the first to say that daughters are a special blessing.  I would not have thought so but having two daughters placed me in a position of being loved even when I was not the greatest father.  Still I would receive cards that said: "greatest dad".

There is a special and magical connection between daughters and dads and when that bond is not there girls feel a deep sense of loss and will look for that father figure throughout their lives.  For some daughters looking for the approval and love of a man turns into a hit or miss experience with men who take advantage of them and who seem to sense their desperation.

Not having an active dad in the life of a girl growing up has it's adverse effects one of which is an attraction to men who are emotionally unavailable and who don't produce the love and affection that the woman, any woman is looking for.  In fact, at times there is a long list of men who have no intention of becoming committed least of all capable of real love and compassion.

As father's we must note our important role in the life of our daughters and it is up to us to share the many truths about love, men and respect.  It is up to us to help mold our daughters into a woman who is empowered and who knows that sometimes men don't have good intentions for them and that selecting the right companion or spouse takes intentional thinking.  Not settling and not excusing men because they are men and that the women in ads and in movies are not necessarily a realistic depiction of real women.

Father's must be willing to know their role as the protector and be able to be a dad before being a friend to their daughters.  Fathers must be able to admit their own shortcomings and tell their daughters the truth about men and how they think.  Father's are most of all an example by their actions and how they treat the mother of their children.

Men need to be advocates of women especially when they are dads of daughters.  Men should rise up and be a part of the quest to get equal pay and treatment of women in our society and not just stand on the sidelines and watch things happen like molestatiion and physical abuse.  We as father's and men should be the first to raise our fist when women are not honored and when they are not respected.  I think that having two daughters and two granddaughters has truly awaken that part of me as a man.

I want to ask every father to sit and talk to your daughters and take the time to share your wisdom with them.  I recall doing this when my daughter lived with me and we sat on a bench in the summer evenings on Logan Boulevard.  Those were the nights we had ice cream and had long talks.  Taking the time to be with your daughter one on one is key.  That loving connection with your child is one of the most important acts of love we can perform as dads.  After all the love of a daughter is truly second to none.  To all the daughters out there know that you are your dad's teacher.  Reach out to your dad and ask him questions even if he is busy doing and working.

A father's daughter is in fact the most lovely of relationships.  In fact it can be one of the most important of relationships.  If more dads connected with their daughters we would likely have less teen pregnancies or women who pick the wrong guy.  It is our duty as father's to make sure to be an active part of our daughter's lives.

This blog is dedicated to my daughters: Camille and Taina


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