Be Happier

Happiness is not a secret although there are places where it is a known fact that the people are happier living there, usually places that are safe and where nature is abundant.  I for one love living in Pingree Grove about an hour outside the city of Chicago.  For me the main reason for moving out of the city was initially for someone else but now I am here and love the natural elements, privacy, Almost every aspect of living where I live brings me the kind of happiness that I did not experience in the city.  Although I was happy there I am much more joyful now.  I realize that there are elements that lead to a happier life.  After giving this idea of happiness and how it happens here is what I think:

We are happiest when:

We work in a job we love:
for most of us work is not a happy time in our lives.  We go to work to make a living and we often tolerate the worse of situations.  We are made to believe early on that no one loves their job and that work is work.  With that deal with it and grin attitude about work many people are struggling to be happy when each day of their life starts with a job we hate and often times lose sleep over.  Working a job that makes us happy is what I call joyful service.  Even though many people would dispute it I know that there are people who have jobs that bring them joy to a large degree every day.  Happiness equals a job you love.

We do the things we love to do:
When we do things we love like dancing, reading or playing racket ball we ring joy into our heart and our whole being.  Remembering to include activities we love helps us to keep our joy meter up high.  Nothing is more gratifying that's finishing a long day at work doing what makes us fill up with light.  Doing things we love equals happiness.

We connect with spirit: 
Connecting with spirit means connecting to the deepest and most loving place inside of you and others.  Connecting to spirit means connecting to nature and to source, whether that is God, goddess, Buddha or our Inner Guide.  When we connect with spirit we feel whole given that our spiritual self is a very important part of who we are.  Taking the time to feed our spiritual self makes us less likely to be sad and more likely to feel joy.  Connecting with spirit equals happiness.

We connect with family:
It is common knowledge that when we love our family and they love us we are much happier.  Taking the time to interact with our family is an essential part of who we areas human beings.  When we have a family that loves us spending time with them lifts our level of joy.  For those of us who have adopted family members spending time with close friends is just as wonderful.  Happiness equals spending time with family, connecting with them and sharing your lives.

We connect with our inner child:
Our inner child is that little boy or girl who needs attention, the kind of attention that some of us missed out on when we were children.  Our inner child is that part of us who is playful and who yearns to be loved and played with.  Taking the time to access that little child inside of all of us makes for an adventure and a time to simply release and abandon all responsibilities, enjoying things like coloring or rolling down a hill.  For some it helps to buy a toy to play with even if it is a remote airplane or car.  Accessing your inner child can only result in lifting your spirit and rising above ever kind of stress in your life.  Happiness equals playing like a child again.

We are in relationships that are completely healthy:
To be very blunt there is really nothing more joy killing than being in a relationship with people that are not nice or who bully us.  There is nothing better than to be seen and heard and if the people we are around day to day.  Staying in a bad relationship of any kind is toxic while being around people who love and respect you bring cheer to your day to day life.  Happiness equals healthy relationships.

We take time out: 
None of us should spend all of our time doing something all the time.  Everyone needs a break or time away.  Taking short or long vacations help us to reboot our lives.  Happiness equals a time out or vacation from everything.  

What brings you joy?  Have you given up on the things that you know are fun and that you loved to do>. When are you going to take your joy back and how will you do that?  If fear were not a factor what kind of job would you rather be doing that will be "joyful service" and not just a job?  What are you willing to do to be a happier person?  Take the time you need to look at each of the categories and whether they are ones you can relate to and can work on.


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