The Unexpected! Dam!
I was thinking that the light on my car that says "Service Required" was going to be just another oil and filter change, something simple and inexpensive but NO! I find out that the spark plugs are shot, the trains fluid needs to be replaced, the filer need replacing, the brake fluid is filthy (Thanks Grossinger) and and and... It is this kind of unexpected stuff that happens that usually stresses me out but today NOT so. I thought about what I tell others which is that it is your reaction and your perception that make things go easy or very difficulty. I decided to take my own advise and I want to just stand and applaud for Coach Elliott. Can I get a witness? I mean 787.00 for maintenance on my 2007 Camry could of sent me over the edge. In the past I would trade the car in for a new one but I decided to have a zero car payment and that this would be best. It is in how we look at things and how we take things.
When the unexpected happens to you remember that it is all in how you view it and how you react to it. You too can go crazy mad and want to beat a pillow but why? It is not like it is going to make a dam bit of difference. We cannot change the facts and the fact is that old cars need repairs and upkeep. Given that I was quoted 1600.00 last month makes me feel better. That would be me and you looking on the bright side. Oh yes, then I thought about what it will be like to come home, shower and change for my dinner date. So I resolved that really easy. I am not going to shower and I am not going to change my clothes. In fact, yes you guessed it, I am putting on some additional cologne. Yes I said it and it is out there. You can make your life that simple by choosing what you want to do and not do and not making anything an ethical life or death situation.
As soon as life becomes a JOB and you are constantly trying to figure out how to get through the day, it is likely that you are living it reacting to every single unexpected situation. That my friends is not a good thing as they say. In fact it is a bad thing. And I don't mean this in a good way, like when someone said to you "you're bad" like you are a bad ass. That was in the 70's. Or was it the 80's. Anyway it helps us to look at situations that happen to us and tell ourselves that it too shall pass and remember all the times we made it and conquered it.
Larry has gone through chemo, radiation, a horrible surgery (don't ask), and another serious operation, yet he has endured it all and told me that he is going out dancing about twice a week and working out three days a week. His perception is that if he is still breathing then he can go on and not only will he enjoy life he will rejoice in life. Most of us would like to have Larry's mentality and be able to see things in this light of life being half lifting or as having more light than darkness. Larry is an inspiration to me and his daughters will often tell him that. To have battled cancer for 3 years and been operated on twice is amazing enough without the rest of what he must do. A toast to Larry and can I hear an Amen?
Life will deal some unexpected stuff and we must be OK with it because frankly we don't have any other choice. Don't get me wrong, I think some of us bring stuff on ourselves because we don't know any other way. Do that healing work my brothers and sisters and look at life as a glass that has at least half of the juice in it rather than half of the juice being gone and that you will never have that cake again. OK, I am starting to go Donna Summers on us. With that I will end this blog by asking you some pointed questions:
1. How do you perceive the things that happen to you suddenly? How do you respond?
2. How can you change the reactions of the past by doing your diligence? Self-work!
3. Have you decided that you are not the same person you were years ago when everything seemed big and a crisis?
4. Could it be that you are addicted to crisis?
5. Do you understand that some things are beyond your control and that acceptance is key to your own inner peace? Why or why not?
There you have it. The unexpected can make us wiser or it can place us deeper and deeper into darkness and ruin the present. Which one would you rather be? That person who sees the unexpected as a punishment or the person that sees it as a much needed exercise in wisdom? You decide.
When the unexpected happens to you remember that it is all in how you view it and how you react to it. You too can go crazy mad and want to beat a pillow but why? It is not like it is going to make a dam bit of difference. We cannot change the facts and the fact is that old cars need repairs and upkeep. Given that I was quoted 1600.00 last month makes me feel better. That would be me and you looking on the bright side. Oh yes, then I thought about what it will be like to come home, shower and change for my dinner date. So I resolved that really easy. I am not going to shower and I am not going to change my clothes. In fact, yes you guessed it, I am putting on some additional cologne. Yes I said it and it is out there. You can make your life that simple by choosing what you want to do and not do and not making anything an ethical life or death situation.
As soon as life becomes a JOB and you are constantly trying to figure out how to get through the day, it is likely that you are living it reacting to every single unexpected situation. That my friends is not a good thing as they say. In fact it is a bad thing. And I don't mean this in a good way, like when someone said to you "you're bad" like you are a bad ass. That was in the 70's. Or was it the 80's. Anyway it helps us to look at situations that happen to us and tell ourselves that it too shall pass and remember all the times we made it and conquered it.
Larry has gone through chemo, radiation, a horrible surgery (don't ask), and another serious operation, yet he has endured it all and told me that he is going out dancing about twice a week and working out three days a week. His perception is that if he is still breathing then he can go on and not only will he enjoy life he will rejoice in life. Most of us would like to have Larry's mentality and be able to see things in this light of life being half lifting or as having more light than darkness. Larry is an inspiration to me and his daughters will often tell him that. To have battled cancer for 3 years and been operated on twice is amazing enough without the rest of what he must do. A toast to Larry and can I hear an Amen?
Life will deal some unexpected stuff and we must be OK with it because frankly we don't have any other choice. Don't get me wrong, I think some of us bring stuff on ourselves because we don't know any other way. Do that healing work my brothers and sisters and look at life as a glass that has at least half of the juice in it rather than half of the juice being gone and that you will never have that cake again. OK, I am starting to go Donna Summers on us. With that I will end this blog by asking you some pointed questions:
1. How do you perceive the things that happen to you suddenly? How do you respond?
2. How can you change the reactions of the past by doing your diligence? Self-work!
3. Have you decided that you are not the same person you were years ago when everything seemed big and a crisis?
4. Could it be that you are addicted to crisis?
5. Do you understand that some things are beyond your control and that acceptance is key to your own inner peace? Why or why not?
There you have it. The unexpected can make us wiser or it can place us deeper and deeper into darkness and ruin the present. Which one would you rather be? That person who sees the unexpected as a punishment or the person that sees it as a much needed exercise in wisdom? You decide.
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