See the Light

"It is said that those who overcome a major illness deeply savor the taste of life." (Excerpt from "The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace)

In my own life what I know for sure is that I know light because I have overcome the darkness.  I know love because I have known the perils of hate.  I know healthy living because like many of us I have known severe and serious illness, the kind that will bring one to their knees.  The reason that I am sharing this with everyone is not because I am some sort of hero nor that I have any courage to speak of, but because by the grace of God I am alive.

As a child I almost drowned in Lake Erie one Sunday afternoon at the ripe age of five.  Unlike children who had the resources to be gifted with swimming lessons I did not know how to swim but more importantly I did not know that there can be holes inside the water that one can suddenly drop inside of.  This was exactly what happened.  I ventured towards the rocky pier and there I encountered a drop in the bottom of the lake.  I remember desperately wanting to live as I swallowed water after not being able to hold my breath any longer.  As much as I tried I could not get out when in what seemed like a sudden miracle a man pulled me out of the water after my mother started screaming that I was likely under water.  That was my first experience with a near death but then after that when I was about 11 I went to a pool without permission.  Once again I dropped off the edge not knowing this was actually the deepest end.  This time I saw a hand pull me out but when I came up out of the water there was no one there.  I will call this God's intervention and the fact that he had another plan for me.

I know the pain of abuse and of losing a sister to Suicide.  I will not detail my entire life because some of you know what it feels like to love someone dearly and lose them this way.  I cried almost constantly for a week.  I also overcame it with the guidance of spirit and the faith that I'd get through it.  I never once thought that I would be tested again and again with other physical illnesses including cancer.  What I found out was that these things made me appreciate life more and although one might think you would give in and give up, I did not.  I was wrong and now I know why.  God had a plan for me and it was not for me to die.  I am now sixty two years young and still kicking ass as they say. My daughters and my immediate family were supportive and loving and for this and other reasons I am here to see the light because I experienced plenty of darkness.

Sometimes we dont' appreciate the light things of our life.  Sometimes we get stuck feeling sorry for ourselves and we forget to count the pedals that are left on the daisy rather than to toss it out too soon.  Sometimes life gives us  a good old fashioned bully to beat us down so that we will appreciate the nice people around us and so that we understand our value as a child of the universe and of mother God.  It will continue to rain, thunder and storm but we must trust that with the rain, on the other side of the storm the sun will show itself to our souls.
By: Elliott M. Gonzalez Collazo, for my daughters and my granddaughters, the women in my life.


  1. As long as there are people like you who reach out in love and in truth, I am reminded that the universe can provide good measure of light to break through the depreciation and inanimacy of the commonality. Therefore, thank you for reaching out. As long as there are people like you life will be touched.

  2. The darkness will always try to crush us but in the midst of that battle we must remember that God created both light and dark and has overcome the darkness FOR us. When we have no fight left, there are angels interceeding on our behalf. Sometimes those angels have names like Luz Gardenia and Amelia and other times they are a kind stranger that reminds us that we exist, that sees us in a gentle smile. You have overcome so much because your purpose was greater than ANY darkness. You were created to love you children, your grandbabies and others that cross your path. It takes a brave heart to love after all the breaks, but God... We are always poured back into in such a way that the cup will always overflow. I love you, Papi. ~Taina Luz

  3. Thanks for sharing this with us. We never know what God has planned for us or our families. I can relate to your message. Losing my brother and my father, and almost losing a grandson, who I hope can overcome his demons, and I pray for my other grandchildren as well. God bless all of us. Carla

  4. Wonderful and wise words to help us and me remember the light in the midst of what seems like only darkness...thank you, Elliot


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