Free Your Soul: The rest will follow...

Many years ago, I am too old to say, there was a great song that had the lyrics, "free yourself and the rest will follow".  This was during the time when I was a college student and most songs were about being free to be free, feeling free, free sex and free weed for everyone.  I was never much a fan for liquor or weed although I must say that I tried MD 20/20 and failed.  This was at the time a cheap wine that apparently had a larger liquor content and was cheap.  For me the part of your soul and the rest of me will follow involved a really pretty Black girl and an instant popularity I'd not experienced in the past.  The fact that I had an African American lady was apparently something novel at a time when we were all much more concerned about interracial marriages and relationships outside our religious circle.  To this day the thought of Regina brings a smile to my face and I can only wish to set my eyes on her one more time so that I can tell her how much she helped me to change my life.  She was a free spirit and she helped me to free my soul along with a very cool song that resonated for me.

To each of us freeing our soul may mean something a little different but let me introduce a few thoughts around this idea of freedom of the soul.  I want to encourage my friends, loved ones and readers to allow your spirit to be free.  This means letting go of the fear and the misconceptions and myths about how to live your life.  This means letting the light in and even exploding like a series of bright fireworks.  For many of us doing this is one of the hardest things we will ever do and ever feel.  For others it will be the first time you give yourself permission to be silly and child like.  When we free our soul, yes indeed, the rest will follow.  We will experience a high without the weed or the alcohol.  We might even feel as though the joy that we bring in from letting go of the stuffy persona we are pretending to be will make us laugh in a way that we'd not thought of before and from a place deep inside of us.  Freeing out soul means that even if we are in prison or having a bad experience that we can free our soul regardless of what the physical circumstances are.

We have heard the story of the Jewish man who survived the horrific Holocaust.  His name evades me but he became well known for telling his story because he decided that the only thing that was in prison was his body.  His mind was free and he used this inner voice that asked him to visualize being free and able to think what he wanted under the most painful of circumstances.  This was a man who decided that no one could imprison his soul and way before this song or lyrics were formed he knew what it was like to "free your soul and the rest will follow.

Enough said.


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