Trust Your Self

When we are children we depend on our parents and we trust that they will take care of us.  However, when they don't take care of us we develop a sense of distrust that we play out in our life when we expect that others will not be there for us and don't trust them we relive a feeling of disappointment and it confirms the negative view you have of others.  We learn to distrust everything and everyone including ourselves and when we face issues we don't trust that we can handle them or that we are smart or good enough to get through it.  In fact, we our negative view makes it hard for us to get to the light or a place of love.  Trust in our own ability to make the right choices is very important.  But how do we find that self-trust that we need when others have disappointed us?  

Getting our trust in our self back is a matter of being intentional and simply deciding that this is what we will do from this point on.  It is a combination of faith and the belief that we are smart enough to do what we need to do in life to be happy and healthy beings.  For some of us obtaining our trust in our self means that we believe in a power greater than ourselves and that we can call upon that source to get that support we need to get our lives in order and be able to trust in life and that we too have a right to a prosperous life.  It is not easy and most of all gaining our trust and faith in ourselves asks us to decide how we will do this, often times in ways that may even be painful.  Yet not trusting in our own abilities should not be an option.  

When we are in a family unit we trust the people we love and that they will come through for us.  But for many this is not only not the case, it is delusional to expect it.  Many families are so disconnected from one another that they cannot be present for each other in times of need.  For this reason we must be able to trust our selves and not look for it where it does not exist.  The less we force something that simply is not there for us to get the more we are disappointed.  With a family that can be supportive we can find support yet whether or not we understand it we must be able to trust our selves and understand that the one person we can depend on is us.  A supportive and loving family is helpful and if we do have that in our life we should nurture it and be the loving person we expect them to be, trusting that our relationships will build a stronger confidence in us that will help us to achieve the things that are important to us and important to our well being.  

We must believe in ourselves before we can trust others and believe in their ability to contribute love to our lives.  Self-trust is an art and for those of us who have been betrayed by the people we trusted it is harder to trust in anyone least of all ourselves.  Yet it is possible and with effort we can get through the the tough times and trust our own ability to journey though anything that comes our way. In a word we must "believe" and by believing we will be freed of the doubt that is in our way and trust in our self.  


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