Mother Theresa

I knew very little of Mother Theresa but recently learned more about her.  This was a woman who was a nun in India who heard a calling to work with the very poorest in the field.  This meant she would have to leave the order and at first she was told she would not be able to do this because no one has ever left an order to go outside into society at large.  She was granted that request and as a result worked with the people of India giving of  her talents as a volunteer.  In spite of the fact that some of the natives of India were suspicious and non-accepting of her she continued to serve with a humble heart.  Most of us could only dream of doing what she did never mind have the courage to do it.  Eventually Mother Theresa applied to start and congregation of nuns that would follow her path and even before she did this there were young women who wanted to follow her path.  Sister Theresa dedicated her entire life to serving those most in need, seeing the worse of situations and still she did not give up.

There is surely a lesson to learn from someone who overcame all of the rules placed on nuns and on women.  She was a liberated woman before we ever heard of women's liberation.  She ignored the system and all the rules governing nuns and decided that her calling and her work meant something.  She listened to her inner voice and as she stated when a reporter tried to interview her: "This is not my work this is god's work, I am just a pencil in god's hands."  I wonder how many of us are that committed to any mission we have in life?  I wonder if any one of us could do what she did on her own, never mind the large congregation of women that gladly followed her path.  Even if we don't believe in what she believed in and even if we were atheist could we be that intentional about or own calling?  Surely she is an example of what is is to be dedicated to serving others in a world where quite frankly we talk a good talk.

Mother Theresa believed that prayer was food for the soul.  I think that prayer is in fact food for every part of who we are, especially our souls.  When we pray we believe in the power of something greater than us and quite honestly it does not have to be "God".  For those who don't believe in God this could just mean an inner knowing and believing that what we hold sacred will be.  What we hold reverent will result in a better place to live.  As humans we seek the love of others yet what we forget is that love lives inside of us and that God is a part of us.  Mother Theresa was a shining example of a person willing to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.  She inspires me and what I know is that she inspired many in her day.  She continues to be a positive force in our world.  What brought her joy was the idea that we are here to help each other and that nothing in life is too big to tackle, one person at a time.

What my beloveds is your mission?  What is it that you will do to leave your mark on the world?  How will you serve and make this earth a better place?  These are the questions that Mother Theresa asked herself and what motivated her to do great things.  She like us was just a human being having a spiritual experience.  She cried for the poor while we so often times ignore the poor.  What I ask of all of you will you do to be what you say you are and be fully in awareness that we are a family, all of us.

By Elliott Maximo Collazo


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