I Can't Hear The Music!

For many music is something that is a matter of preference, sometimes making the kind of music they play fit the mood they are in.  For some they cannot hear the music at all and hence there is really no reason to play music.  For the man who is deaf and the winner of Dancing with the Stars not being able to hear the music did not impede him from enjoying dance and winning the mirror ball trophy.  His partner who is a seasoned choreographer freely admitted that at first she was very nervous and for good reason.  She would be the only one to teach a deaf person to dance to music he could not hear.  Yet early into the competition Niles demonstrated a winning attitude and a character that did not distinguish him from a hearing person.  He was as determined to win the competition as he was when he won America's Top Model with Tyra Banks.  It seems nothing stopped him, not even the fact that he could not hear a beat.

If only we could be as accepting as Niles and as courageous as him.  If only those of us who have been through adversity were able to come out of it a winner.  If only we could teach all of our children what Niles knew which is that he was as talented, as smart and as beautiful as any other boy. So often times we do not hear the music nor do the lyrics speak to our spirit because we are so busy staying engaged in something other than paying attention to life and living our life with what I have often shared: with intention.  I will add that living life with intention and with purposefulness.  We have much to learn from a person who has no hearing that can become all that he was meant to be and continues to want more.  We may think we cannot hear the music yet if we sit down in a quiet place and access our sacred ear we will hear it clearly as well as the messages that many are meant to share with us about life and strife.

I know that I could have turned out not to hear the music and in fact for a few years I ended up silencing the music in my life for someone else.  What I learned in a short time was that music meant something of value to me and that silencing that part of me was silencing my inner child, just as it had been silenced in the past.  Without one ounce of regret I found my way back and now I am not only listening to the lyrics, I am crying and when I am not crying I am laughing and when I am not laughing I am dancing in my fullness of who I am.  We who can hear the music take it for granted and yet there are many who will never know that pleasure, some who are accepting of it and who have danced to the music that they cannot hear.

With Love to Niles who is one of my Heroes and has helped me to continue to consider overcoming more adversities and enjoy the music that I have been blessed to hear with gratitude in my heart for the ability to hear it and enjoy it fully.
Elliott Collazo


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