Finding Peace

" And now my dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.  Keep putting into practice all the you learned and received from me-everything you have heard from me and saw me doing.  Then the God of peace will be with you."

These words come directly from the bible and as suprising as it might feel to some of us, it resonates in this moment as if it was written today.  In this short bible quote we understand that peace is about our thoughts and that our thoughts will bring us an inner peace or an inner war.  We get to choose by deciding to emphasize what is honorable and what is lovely.  We do so by taking the wisdom of God and goddess and bringing it to our daily lives.

Everything we think and do influences our state of being and our healthy state of mind.  Every person we interact with in a loving manner will facilitate love in our life.  Every single man, woman and child we touch in a compassionate manner manifests that inner peace and that outer feeling of joy.  It is the purity by which we do things that will make the difference in our lives.  It is the kindness we share with others and with our own inner being that impacts every moment of every day.

Finding peace is not about looking for it as if it were a game of hide and seek.  Finding peace is about asking for guidance and keeping your thoughts clear of negativity and all that is hate based.  Peace comes in our willingness to ask and in our willingness to be.  We may not be perfect and be in a state of peace all the time but if we practice it enough by focusing on what is of good for us we will be inside a peaceful place more often than not.

For many a belief in God, a belief in themselves and their ability, a belief in mankind and a belief in the collective thought is what keeps them centered in that serene place of tranquility.  For others it is when they serve and do what they know is right and what they know is admirable.  For each and every one of us it is the knowledge that we are God's beautiful children and that we deserve to be in a beautiful, peaceful and tranquil state of being.

In the end we are not looking for peace as much as we are manifesting it by living in a place of love.
Coach Elliott


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