Granddaughters Love

Granddaughters are a very brand of lovely.  They are the ones you get to correct all your mistakes with and get on the floor and play Lego's with.  My little one insists on asking me every hour on the hour: "will you play with me?" I usually respond with a yes and my favorite thing to do with her is simply to be as silly and child like as I can get away with without being committed.  I will give her dolls a sarcastic and caddy personality as a way to make her laugh and the thing is that she really thinks I am funny.  As an onlooker her mom, my daughter, thinks me to be a bit coo coo.  I don't mind as long as my granddaughter thinks I am cool.  That is the best thing ever is to be seen as a rock star to a child who loves you and who you love.  The excitement of being with her puts a tear in my eyes for it is likely the most joyful of events for me.

It is not a mistake that I was gifted with two daughters and then two granddaughters.  Goddess does not make mistakes and I think she knew me to be a sap for girls.  It is an inexplicable phenomenon this relationship between a father, grandfather and girls.  What I have uncovered is that dads can do no wrong and grandfathers are eternally special.  This weekend I will pick up my youngest grandchild Isabella and bring her to our home in the suburbs where I have surprises and special activities like a backyard romp in the sprinkler and playing house with her doll house.  It is what I have known for 37 years of being a father that makes me feel wise and at the same time I understand that I still have much to learn.  This will be a time to test my own energy level at the ripe age of 62 and determine if in fact I have what it takes.  I will be preparing today for the visit by filling the tires in her bike with air and buying an attachment for the hose for her to enjoy some fun times.  It makes me feel grateful to have a home to share with her and in an area that is safe and beautiful.

Daughters like mine get to decide whether their child will honor you as a grandfather, hug you and treat you with respect.  My daughter truly makes certain that her children connect with me each and every time I see them.  She will tell the grandchildren to hug me, say hello and at times has had them call me and say they love me and miss me.  I have even had them sing the birthday song for me over the phone.  It is their parents who promote love and connection with us as grandparents and I must say I for one am truly grateful.  It is that love and compassion that keeps me going and that makes me understand that living is not just about me but about them as well.

Being a grandparent is likely one of the best things that can happen to any person and I for one can attest that it is absolutely magical.  Being a grandfather allowed me to start over again and do some things differently.  For grandparents all over the world, especially Latino ones we become a part of the village and help to raise our grandchildren.  They are not children who belong to someone else as some would see it but rather an extension of our children who in turn become part of the whole of the family unit.  For some of us being a grandparent is like becoming a parent again.  We know that deep inside we are to be present when times are rough and when our children need for us to step in.  I becomes our mission to make sure our grandchildren are happy, healthy and have what they need.

I am a very luck man.  I have daughters who are very independent.  They are not ones to ask for much and have at 32 and 37 found their own path.  They live their own life and bring me to their lives  mostly to share their joy.  They are hard working women who make sure their children are healthy and have what they need.  I am blessed with a son in law who is a good man and whom I love and call son.  He in turn calls me dad.  Life is good being a grandpa and having granddaughters and one on the way.  What I can say about being a grandparent is to not let those moments when they are little ones pass you by and always be in unison with your children so that you are in their lives, actively participating and actively loving them.  Whatever issues between us and our children we must always keep in mind that they can and should be put aside for the children.  Make peace with your children so that you can be a part of their lives and the lives of their children.  Remember the things that matters and that is that it takes a village and that there is no such thing as too much love.

When was the last time you saw your grandchildren?  Is there some healing that needs to happen between you and your children?  How can you make amends with your children so that you can be in your grandchildren's life?


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