A Seed

One never knows what will become of a seed.  It could bloom into a tomato or an orchid.  It could be fragrant as a rose or have no scent whatsoever.  As we await Spring we are all anxious to see the green leaves blooming on the trees, the grass becoming green and the tulips sprouting out from under the earth.  It is much like a miracle and it may not be without its own brand of pain.

We are like a seed growing and in our growing we may experience some pain.  When we are in our deepest darkness like a seed inside the ground we may not even want to come up through the earth and experience the light.  Sometimes that's too painful.  Sometimes we would rather remain a seed and not bother growing or experiencing just in case the experience is not a good one.

The truth about becoming a flower and sprouting up from the pain is that we won't experience either joy or sorrow if we are not willing to grow.  If we are not willing to come up to the surface and not stay in the level below.  I have often reminded my friends and family that we cannot experience and know joy if it were not for the sorrow.  We cannot know love if not for knowing what it is like to feel unloved.  We cannot know truth if we had not experienced a lie.

We are a Seed and we are like the flower in the Spring or the weed in the yard.  We are unsure of what we will see when we chose to open our eyes and we have to be willing to open our eyes whether it means that we will laugh or that we may be terribly hurt.  We must allow ourselves to come up out of the dark ground level to the level of light.  It will always be a chance we will take and it might not be what we want to see that day but on any given day it will change, sometimes drastically.

I want to be a seed that grows and not the one that stays in the ground and refuses to become a tomato or a giant gardenia.  Imagine if every seed said no to the growth in spring time.  Imagine what it would be like not to get out of bed for day on end.  There are those of us who know that pain and there are those of us who have remained under the ground for months and sometimes years.  We have all gone through that kind of pain where we just cannot seem to get that one foot in front and then the next one.

My pain is not so unique.  I am not so special.  I have battled with the C word and the D word and have had days when I don't want to go from a seed to a flower or get up out of bed, but once I do get up I see each time what a wonderful time could have by just making an effort.  Sometimes it take s a little while longer than other days to lift myself up.  I stay up late and of course I need my eight hours or at the very least six hours of sleep.  But each day I do get up and I do grow and I do experience love, laughter, uncertainty and even pain.  I first have to be willing to get up and to get from under the earth and surface closer to the sky.

Seeds are like people.  They start small and they end up growing into something so special we can hardly believe our eyes,  They are like our children who start as a little seed and grow into a beautiful little baby and before we know it they are five and going to start kindergarten.  We all must be willing to be a seed first and then willing to become something even more beautiful.  We have to be willing
and ready to say yes to life.

Come up from the ground my beloveds.  Come up out of the ground and see the light and how many adventures there are to be had.  Sprout out from the ground like a beautiful flower and see the sky above you.  You won't experience anything if you are not willing to simply get up.  Today look at every single thing you do as a miracle.  Let the sadness take a break and find your way back to the way you were meant to be, happy and free.  Jump on a swing and ride it as high as you can.  Consider jumping off the swing if you can.  Take a chance on life just as the spring takes its blooms and shows them off to the world.


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