My Self Injection (continued)

I prefer to look at giving myself a shot as a loving act.  I prefer to look at this scary but neccessary act one that is self compassionate.  I do it every day and have two more days of it in order to make certain I live longer hence I get to be a dad and a grandpa longer.  I get to share more time and life with my children and friends and experience strangers who smile at me.  I know that I was placed in this situation of having to give myself a shot to avoid a clot in my blood and so that I can dance with my friend Jacky the next time she comes to visit and I can play with the legos when my granddaughter Isabella comes next time.

I think that everything happens for a reason.  I am here still for good reason and each day I will make that injection count and be a symbol of why I am still here.  I have something to give to someone.  I have something to say to others.  I have something in my heart that needs to be expressed, maybe even some pain to experience.  There is a reason for this self injection each day and my fears around it are lessened by my desire to be here, present and accounted for.

Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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