There is more to be said about dads and daughters.  The way that they supply so much love and compassion even to fathers who are not there or have not been there for them.  Today as I am taken to get an X-ray I see another daughter with her father and just being there for him.  I thought about my daughter waiting upstairs for me and spending hour and hours in the hospital with me making certain that my every need was met.  Even going to get food for me that I wanted to eat.  What a wonderful gift a daughter is to her father and lucky me that I have two.  The compassion that comes from that goddess inspired energy is as special as it gets.  There is nothing like it and nothing to match it.

I remember a woman friend of mine saying that she did not feel she deserved anything.  I thought about it and felt so ridiculous around the fact that I tell people and myself so many times that we deserve love or that we deserve and beautiful house.  The truth is that we don't deserve anything and that includes a daughter like  mine who stayed in the hospital with me for hours on end with a smile on her face the whole time.

In my history as a father there are plenty of blemishes.  Times when I should have been with my kids and times when I should of gone to their assembly.  I failed in so many ways as a father that it would be silly to list them.  The  point is that in spite of my imperfections they both decided to see what I did contribute to their lives.  They did not focus on the mistakes but rather on what I did that brings them a smile to their face.  Surely in private they may recall some messy times.  Surely they have cried over one thing or another but never have they lost their love and compassion for their dad.

Daughters are like these people in your life that keep you thinking about what is next and not caring what is next.  They have this uncanny way of bringing love into a room without saying a word, just with their smile and their wit.  They make you  want to be a better person, a more forgiving person.  They make you want to rise up to where you are alive and thanking god you are alive, just being alive.

My daughters are likely not the only daughters that are wonderful, kind and generous.  But then again they are my daughters and I have been the recipient of that love.  Like when they were little girls all they have to do is look at you a certain way and you start to feel special, honored and heard.  As adults they become your friends.  They become your best friend and the person that will likely always love you and even like you, tell you your handsome and find a beautiful part about you that no one else sees.  A daughter is like a best friend that will often times ask you to dance even if you are an old man.  They will tell you that your handsome at those times when you feel the oddest and the least attractive.

If I were to compare a daughter to any other living being it would be a butterfly because for me my daughters are the most beautiful beings that came out of some painful situations.  They are colorful in their way of speaking and amusing in the manner they flutter their eyes.  Daughters are a gift from goddess that no dad deserves and that we are gifted with.  Daughters are a gift of life, a ray of joy and tranquil river that asks fathers to look at themselves and really fly higher than they think they can.  My daughters are precisely all those things and more.  Their capacity to forgive my mistakes overwhelms me and brings me closer to god.  The capacity to love is something I may never be able to explain in simple language, it's simply too complex.  All I know is that receiving any form of that adoration and love is a miracle.


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