Decide to Do Nothing

I know it sounds like a "cop out" yet today I have decided that unlike yesterday I am going to do nothing.  Doing nothing means just that.  No major housework, no business related calls, no thinking about the stuff that isn't done or the things that are coming at me.  I have decided for this to be a do nothing day.  After all the two movies that I want to see are not out yet, one of them debuts on Friday.  In the meantime the other movie with Jane Fonda is not going to be released until the 19th of this month.

I started out good today because I did not get up until about 11am.  I had eaten some coconut chocolate ice milk from Trader Joes and it kept me up until the sugar wore off but then I slept like a baby, all be it with one eye open as they say.  Before I fell asleep I told myself that today was going to be a relaxation day.  I thought "tomorrow I am not going to be on the phone trying to figure things out and getting transferred from one person to the other while trying to figure out which number to select for my particular question or inquiry.  I just cannot do that two days in a row.

Funny how our experiences get us to decide one way or the other what to do or not do next.  I am finding that my experience is making me stay still and just not try to fix anything.  Just do nothing about everything and nothing about anything.  So here I am watching "The Chew" and mindless and fluffy talk show about food that teaches people to make some delicious and sometimes greasy comfort food.  Every now and then I take a zip of my Columbian coffee made on my instant cup at a time coffee maker.  Amen for those things.  Easy and breezy.

So what do I do on my "do nothing days"?  Well I flip through magazines, I read, i watch TV, I look for an old movie on Netflix and I heat up leftovers like rice and black beans with a fried egg on top for lunch.  I drink at least three cups of coffee and behave badly.  I forget about anything that needs to be dusted or cleaned up, I close my curtains and shut out the outside world and I basically do whatever comes to me at that moment.  My feet are of course on the ottoman and I am in my PJ's all day like I did yesterday now that I think of it, except that yesterday I worked my butt off.  Unlike yesterday I will not be doing anything but muting the commercials on TV and eating some great food that my sister made and left for me.

I want to suggest a do nothing day.  Think about what is truly urgent to do today in your life.  Make it into a life and death decision and you will likely see that nothing needs to be done today and every one of those things on that "to do" list can wait until tomorrow.  Call a friend and chat about life and feelings.  Take this day to roam and do each thing with a spontaneous element to it.  Nothing needs to get done today but to accomplish some joy and happiness.  Make it a day where you throw your hands up in the air and if something comes to you that looks urgent just ignore it.  It is likely only looking important until you think for a moment and realize it is not.  Have a do nothing day.

Here are some of my intentions on my do nothing day that are not written in stone:

I may dance to at least one song on Pandora.
I could  listen to meditation music while I read my daily reading from "The Book of Awakening" and respond to it accordingly.
I might heat up my sister's rice and black beans and add a fried egg on top of it.
I may take a slow bath.
I might pray or meditate to center myself.
I may use my grandkids markers to create some art that expresses where I am at in the moment.
I could do some lymphatic exercises to some music.
I may take a walk or go to the health club in the clubhouse.
I may sit on my butt and do nothing for as long as I like.
I could get crazy and find another movie to go to like the Wizard of Oz on the big screen.
I could scream and yell until I feel like I have had my voice heard.

What will you do on your do nothing day?  If you decide to do absolutely nothing who will know and who will care?  Do what you want to do today.  Listen to the wind outside like I am listening to the wind right now.  Put your feet up on the coach or ottoman.  Dance to one song or read a short part of a book or a daily reading.  Stare into space for ten minutes.  Have a do nothing day and make sure not to do anything that resembles being a mature adult or fixing anything or anyone.  Well, I think I am now ready to fry that egg and have a nice little rice, black bean and egg lunch.  You sit there and think about what you are not going to do and when you figure that out then do whatever comes to you even if it is absolutely nothing.
Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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