New Day

I think if I were to attribute my success at getting through this time in my life it would be to see each day as a new day.  It is my ability to somehow be able to see each day as a new beginning and another chance to do things just a little differently.  Every day is a new day so that we can get that chance to do what we thought we could not do the day before.  We find the strength we might not have had the day before or even an hour before.

It is a new day today September 30 and even though I haven't done anything special I will go to my lymphatic treatment at 3pm and take care of that part of my health that needs my attention.  Some days that is all I can do, that one thing.  So I put it in my mind that I will do that one thing and do one more thing to make this a new day.

Once I have accomplished making my bed today, giving myself a shot into my stomach and putting my feet up for the swelling I feel like I am partly there, starting from the beginning.  I do what I can and what I am capable of doing.  I make the decisions I can and today I called my insurance company representative to talk about how I was feeling as she left a message for me at least three times this week.  I called the lady about the accident I had in the car and left her a message about not being in a hurry to fix the car given other things on my plate.  I emailed the painter about the estimate to paint one wall in each room upstairs to make the house more appealing if I have to sell it.

Life is truly a new day and a new start each day.  If we just see it as a new day we can begin clean and clear.  We can do our best to do what we can do and not do what we don't need to do right away.  We can prioritize it and we can decide what is truly necessary for us to do here and now and what can wait.  We can just see each day as a new one.  No matter what is going on in our life we can see each day as a chance to start up again and simply do our best.  No judgements, no pressures, no set outcomes, but to maybe pray and take the time to be silent and forgiving.

Today is your new day.  How will you see it?  Will you allow it to flow out of you or force yourself to do things you don't need or want to do?  Will you simply live it as a new day and be grateful for it?  Or will you force it?  It is up to you because after all it is a NEW DAY.


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