God Brings Clarity

I have written one blog tonight and something is still inside me that wants out.  My spirit keeps asking me to speak to the clarity that only god can gift us with.  Maybe I should speak for myself and say that goddess gifts me with.  I want to talk about when clarity happens and how I know.  I know when things are clear to me when I am in harmony with the answers I get from each person I speak to during the course of a day.  I feel clear when instead of feeling anxious about something I feel excited instead.  I feel clarity in my soul when I hear god speaking to me in a small soft voice versus a harsh voice that comes from a place of confusion and that does not come from Spirit source.

God brings clarity of mind when I make the right choices and I am fearless about making a decision either to go to the phone or go to the book to hear the truth.  God brings that clarity to each of us when he says yes to the things we are doing with our day, the things we are doing with our life.  Most of all we obtain clarity by asking for it and being silent and waiting for that clarification, that voice inside of us that says we are right in what we are thinking or doing.  Sometimes that involves someone else, sometimes it only involves you and in either case we just need to quiet the loud voices, play some beautiful music, kneel by our bed or sit in the center of a room.  Clarity will come to us in ways we don't have to force but rather in ways that are not forceful at all.  Clarity of heart does not need a messenger or a beat or a throbbing sensation.  It comes in like a breeze that is light and soft.  It comes when we sit and we do not over think things.  God brings clarity when we are humbled and sometimes when we are on our knees.

I have found the answer to my queerie when I sit alone in a little corner of my sofa.  I find the answers when I turn off all the other sounds around me and focus on one single tone, like the beat of a drum or the movement of the wind.  Clarity comes only when we are in a state of mind that is open hearted and willing to take it in.  Conversely it does not come to us when we are busily angry, jealous or resentful.  Oddly enough it does not come to us in the middle of the matter at hand or at least rarely does it come when we are in disarray.  It comes when we are calmly accepting what is or we are doing something as simple as ironing a shirt.  It comes when we are not focused on it but rather we are focused on nothing.

Be clear in what you want and ask for it.  Become clear by asking for the light to become a part of you.  Clear your mind of outer things like whether a person loves you or not or if you are beautiful or not.  Clarity comes in he knowing that we are worthy, that we are worthwhile and that we are worth every once of our body, mind and spirit.  Clarity conversely does not come when we are running but rather when we walk slowly and with purpose.  Clarity comes with loving others and accepting them for who they are.  Clarity comes with the rising of the sun even if we don't see it come up but we know in our heart that it has risen and we are clear that we have another day.

Clear your mind by asking God to clear it.  Clear your mind by sitting or kneeling quietly in a safe place where you might commune with nature and the Holy Spirit.  Know that you are alive because there is something to be cleared and clarity to be had.  You have one more day to find your inner spirit and to clear your heart.  It may be a struggle at times to find clarity but it is far worse living a life of questioning and of dark thoughts.  You can clear whatever it is that is unclear with intention and purposefully.  No one can do it for you but rather you must do it on your own.

Some things will not be clear to you.  When this is the case accept that fact and embrace the moment. Let things still and don't try to make any decisions about anything in your life.  Let the clarity of Spirit come to you and since clarity is not forced it will come forward like a beam of light that you simply follow.  Let the Holy Spirit come into you.  Then clarity will happen in a natural and organic manner.

Remember that without self love and love for others there is no clarity of mind.  As long as we are preoccupied with jealousy, hate, resentment or revenge there can be no clarity of mind.  Get rid of the things and the feelings that fight with love and you will be rid of the things that impede you from being clear, open hearted and knowing what to do next.

Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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