I received an email from my daughter Taina today.  Often times she has some loving information to share with me and this was no different.  She shared a touching story about a woman she saw walking downtown that was blind that she noted was pregnant.  She saw that this woman seemed very happy as she walked with her cane down the street as if nothing in the world bothered her or impeded her from her happiness, the joy of having a child.  How many of us can say that we can feel joy while not being able to see?  How many of us can say that we can be joyful about having a child and not being able to ever see that child, not knowing what your child will look like?  How many of us could endure a nine month pregnancy without being able to see?  How many of us can be happy about having a child in spite of the fact that we will never see that child in their school photo or in any other form?  

Like my daughter pointed out this woman is a good reason to feel joy around what we have in our life and to feel joy around the fact that we have eyes to see and that we can see every smile and every gesture that our little boy or girl shares with us.  This woman sets a new standard for joy and reminds us that we can be joyful in spite of what little or big things are missing in our life.  We can be in our happiness and appreciation for what we have when we see how others who don't have what we have can and do experience the dance of life, the joy all around them.  We realize that we don't  have to see to believe in joy and that we don't have to see in order to see from our soul, our heart and our spirit.  

It takes one experience like the one my daughter had and shared to make us grateful for our eyes and that we can see.  It takes one moment in time for us to appreciate our vision, for us to appreciate our eyes and the fact that we can see the beauty around us.  The fact that we can see the trees and our best friend.  The fact that we can see the sun rise and fall each day and the puddles that fly up when our children stomp onto them.  We begin to see what we could not see and maybe pay attention more to the people and things around us.  We begin to take note of all the colorful aspects of our environment and we see what we may not have seen had we not experienced someone who is blind.  

Take the time to look around you, inside your home, outside your home, at work and just sitting and looking to the right and to the left.  Take the time to take in all the beauty that surrounds you, your children, the sky, the favorite chair you sit on or the piece of art on your wall.  Learn to appreciate those wonderful eyes you have been gifted with and don't let a thing go past you.  Take the time today to invite all the beauty and function that your eyes afford you.  Then thank Spirit for it all because you my friend are very blessed.  We my beloveds are very blessed.  
By Elliott Collazo Gonzalez 


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