" One Key to Knowng Joy is to be Easily Pleased"

Today's reading in The Book of Awakening was one that did not surprise me and was one I randomly picked.  It was entitled "One Key to Knowing Joy is to be Easily Pleased".  In this exert it talked about how demanding people were about the way their steak was cooked or the type of liquor they insisted on when at a bar, bringing forth the point that being so demanding is exhausting and that maybe one would live a more graceful life by being satisfied with what you have and not being demanding but rather accepting.

I saw myself in this reading for today and I remember being very demanding in my relationship often times seeing my partner as if he were a "country bumpkin" for not wearing the right clothing that matched or for not wanting things just so. He often times just took what was given to him in the form it was given whether it was food or other items.  I on the other hand had to have my rice separated from my beans or just the right portion of chorizo with eggs.  I on the other hand was demanding of myself and others to the point where it became exhausting.  I wanted my children to look perfect when they were little, every hair in place and every dress perfectly pressed.

This kind of perfection leads us to madness.  It leads us to where we feel like nothing and no one is good enough and at times one can feel others discomfort.  This kind of perfection gets us in trouble and hurts others feelings by the mere fact that we are do demanding.  We expect this person or that friend or that family member to do things and behave in a way we deem right and then when they don't we judge it.

The biggest judgement I have had has been against myself.  I have judged myself over and over again for not showing up in perfection, for not having every item in place in the home or for having a stain on a sweater.  I would be displeased often times because things just were not the way I wanted them to be and others were not the way I felt they should be.  At one point I even fired a couple of friends based on the fact that they did not call enough and I felt they were not meeting my standards of friendship.

Every time we are easily pleased as the title of this reading suggest, we more fluidly experience joy.  We experience joy because we are not so demanding and we don't have these lofty high expectations of others or of our self.  We get tired just trying to keep up with all the things that we think say that we are living a perfect life when in fact we are obsessed and we are setting ourselves up for failing and for experiencing sadness and disappointment.

So today I say be "easily pleased" and experience the key to joy by just being accepting what you have and being pleased with that which is the best you can do.  Don't try to be perfect or have all your remote controls in a row facing the same way but rather enjoy the moment and be pleased with the fact that you have a TV to look at and entertain yourself with.  Be easily pleased with what others offer you and what they share with you, thankful that it is being given and shared with you.  Be in a mind set that no one has to be nice to you and that if they are not nice that joy can still be brought forward by just accepting who they are and what is in your life.

One key to knowing joy is to be easily pleased.  Yes indeed it does not take a lot of effort to be pleased and to feel joy.  You just have to want it.
By Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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