The Way It Should Be

As I waited outside the NMH Walgreens for transportation to take me to the next building a little boy with long curly blond hair flies by me, stops to throw out some paper, looks directly at me and then swiftly runs to catch up to his mother and takes her hand, intuitively he knows that if his mom is nearby he needs not feel fearful.  For many of us this wasn't always the case and we grow up to be insecure adults who yearn for others to take care of us.  We stay in unhealthy relationships because even in a bad relationship we can be convinces that we are being protected for all those times we weren't.

Every adult should be able to navigate through life with some feeling and confidence, yet may of us do not.  In fact a lot of us go through life looking for our protector who we either find or it is more likely we won't find.  Looking for this person is a life long task.  It is going to in fact take us all our life to find this person.  In fact some of us will  figure out very late in life that this person is us and that if our mom did not hold our hand when we asked or she was angry and not very affectionate nothing anyone else does will likely make us feel that kind of safety and confidence because we just did not get it when we needed it.

This morning at the wee hours, 4am to be exact, I was asked to give myself a shot in the abdomen and so I did. I think if you ask most of us if we would like to give ourselves a shot we would not be so excited, but when we are faced with the way it should be we just do it.

So here are my choices and here is my take  on it.  We can stay really stuck on the way it should be  or we  can create a new way of how it will be.


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