Asking for What We Need

It is a spiritual practice to ask God for what we want.  It is not a new practice but rather an ancient practice to surrender when we should surrender to the will of the spirit.  There is not any certain way to get what we need and at times it is something we seem to need badly, like a roof over our head or that perfect job.  We have to know that when we ask we will get what we need.  Nothing can stop that from happening except ourself.  We stop ourselves from obtaining what we want because in most cases we don't believe we will or we don't believe we deserve it.  It may be that we deserve nothing but we do deserve the basics in life and especially our dreams.

A good friend told us a story about how she desired an apartment in an area where she needed to live and wanted to live.  An area that was convenient for her.  She had been looking for this place and suddenly realized she needed to manifest this by turning it over and letting go of her human powers and giving it to the divine power.  No sooner did she do that when the apartment appeared and in the end she was not even required to give a deposit.  In the midst of the journey she took some credit issue came up and she was denied, but soon that issue was clarified and she got what she needed.  She is celebrating her life and the fact that she is going to be living where she wanted to live without forcing it but rather by allowing it to unfold.

Another woman told a story about losing her ten year old job.  She was obviously upset about losing her job.  She finally let herself accept what was to be and what  was happening.  She soon found a new job because she believed she would and like my other friend she asked for what she needed.  She manifested a job because she was willing to let go of the outcome and allow things to happen to her as they may.  Ask and you will receive was her motto in my opinion.  She grew from the experience and ended up in a job where she works less hours and makes more income.  Believing is the larger part of the equation and she believed it would be as it was, hence it happened to her.

I am in a place right now where I am depending on my soon to be X for insurance and today I declare that this will not be my burden because when the time comes I will have a great insurance program that is affordable and will give me the peace and security I need as a cancer patient.  I will have an insurance where I can go to my main doctor and where I will get one hundred percent coverage.  I won't have to fight or kick or scream for it but rather it will happen organically and when it is the exact timing.  God won't forsake me as he would not forsake you either.  I have an insurance that is perfectly suited for me and for my needs.  I will not be dependent on anyone for insurance and for my health.  I have turned this over to spirit knowing my request will be granted.

Of course now my question is what it is that you want to manifest and how willing are you to let spirit unfold and for this to happen with ease and with some amount of grace, faith and love.  Let go of the worries around the issue.  Let it unfold as it may and sit back and relax a little.  Don't worry about it so much and put so much negative energy into it.  Before you know it asking for what you need will result in exactly what you need.  Nothing can stop that good karma.

Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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