Where Do We Go From Here?

This morning I woke up thinking something I often think of which is where do I go from here?  I have lofty plans to go the exercise facility in my community club house just minutes from me and then I think about going to play racket ball at my health club where I am a member also a few minutes away.  I keep asking myself the bigger question when it relates to where I will live after I divorce and then ask myself how will I be able to afford insurance once I am divorced.  It goes from the small picture to a big overwhelming picture.  When I jump from the small items to the big ones I get stuck.  I end up doing nothing because it looks to big.  I fill my mind up with this feeling that if I cannot get at the big stuff like my post cancer illnesses then how can I just do the little things or how will I do those small things.  But alas today I am determined to do one small thing and one big one so I called my doctor and made a post hospital appointment and I am going to read from my Book of Awakening, asking god to send that perfectly suited message to me.  I am not going to allow myself to become overwhelmed by the big picture because the big picture is too much to think about and it renders me helpless.

Today look at the one small things you can do and the one responsible things you can do.  One has to be something you are avoiding like that call to my doctor.  One might be the intention to take a walk. Look at the small items first, the one you can do and then the bigger one.  In my case I took care of the bigger item that felt nurturing and big to me.  Now I will wash up and go to the workout room and do the best I can for at least twenty to thirty minutes.  I will take it one thing at a time.  Maybe you can go buy yourself some flowers and then go to a doctor appointment you are dreading.  Maybe you can call a friend and apologize for an argument or disagreement you had.  Make a smoothie, write a bill out.  Just do two things one of which is something you just don't want to do.  Force yourself to do it.  Get that part over with.

Before you start put on some Pandora meditation music. Give yourself time to breathe through it.  Then take that leap of faith and do that one thing.  I would love to hear your story either on this site or by email to elliottcollazo@sbcglobal.net and share it with others if you indicate it.  All our endeavors are important and as you can see here is my first one.  Two cups of coffee, a reading form "The Book of Awakening" , a call to my doctor and appointment and a short workout or racket ball.

What will be that one thing that you do to love yourself and that one thing you have been avoiding to do?  It matters not what it is, just do it.  Rise to the occasion.  I am inspired so at 11:40 am I am ready to roll.

Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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