My Update

Today I started week two of a three day workout, light ones.  I am truly amazed at the difference it is already making for me and my lymphedema.  I feel better and more fulfilled as well even though it is only for thirty minutes.  I am working up to forty five minutes like before and maybe more as I go along.  With all the prayer support I have a really good feeling I will be able to stick to this and that it will yield dividends as they say in the market.  I do confess that I went to Wendy's afterwards and had a burger fries and soda.  I get my weight on when it is convenient for me.  My intention is to go right back to my healthier and more home made food.

My shot this morning was a breeze and I got through it well.  I did not feel it hardly at all and I felt dam good about myself for taking care of it right away first thing in the morning even before a cup of coffee.  I made my smoothie out of apple, celery, blueberries, bananas nd strawberries.  I also used coconut milk and a little ice and water.  I drank it on my way to my workout in the afternoon.

My goal is to go to bed earlier without the iPad movies or CBS and to get up earlier.  I know that once I get a routune started I can do it.  I have done it before and there is not any reason why I cannot do it again.

As I speak I am watering the lawn.  That is a task in itself where I time it for every fifteen minute and then move the sprinkler.   I don't mind doing it in my rain boots and shorts but surely my neighbors must think me a bit odd.  That's OK with me.  It keeps me busy and out of trouble.  And it is good exercise for me as well.  There is no one else to do it so I do it with even more joy and happy that I can do it.

My home is my heart center so it is important to me to spend time in it enjoying the environment that I live in.  I put my feet up on the ottoman and it is just a great time from there on as long as I can let go of my worries.  And most often that is just what I do.  I let go of the worries and I enjoy the soft sofa and the softness of the ottoman on my feet and the warmth of a lovely home.

Tonight like last night I may opt to go out and get myself and sweet treat or two at Caputos.  I love their cheese cake and their wonderful array of goodies.  It is a time for me to be as naughty as I want to be and to savor those tasty little things that maybe I did not have enough of while putting on some weight.  I can just see those treats in front of me now, yummy.  While I am at it I will pick up some raw sugar that I need.

Tomorrow is another day.  I don't think a lot about that.  I think it is best to just allow that to unfold as God wants it to.  Like Nepo who wrote the book that I am reading now we both battled with cancer and with living in the minute by minute of our lives.  Whether there is someone here physically or not there is my wonderful grandmother, great grandmother, grandfathers and sister before me to keep me company.  Each of their spirits hold me in their womb and each of them are my guardian angels.

Live for today my friends and family.  Love this moment.  Live it fully.  Do not worry about tomorrow for that has not come yet anyway.  Live in the now, the very minute of each breath you take.  It is such a special and more peaceful manner with which to live.


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