On a Roll

This evening seemed like a special one as I cooked pasta with butter, olive oil, leftover chicken and almonds.  It felt good to care for myself and it got me to thinking how good that feels.  When we honor ourselves with a meal, we go to a movie or we do anything that honors us and is just for us that creates a good feeling, one that we sometimes need to experience.  I love when my food taste good and looks pretty and I take pictures of it.  I send it to my daughters or a friend and show that I am in for Elliott and making sure he has a good meal by lovingly cooking it and taking all the time I need.  The clean up is not as fun I must say but worth the effort.

To take and iron a shirt, do a workout, cook a meal or read a book is all self loving acts.  Every time we do one of them we feel better automatically.  It may not work one hundred percent of the time but it does most of the time.  Taking the time to fluff up your pillow, take all your medications, take a warm bubble bath is taking the time to say I love you.  And when no one is around to say it for you it is a good thing to say it for yourself.

I am worth the time that I take to cook a meal.  I am worth the time that it takes to take a hot bath.  I am worth the time that it takes to take a long walk.  I am worth the effort that it takes to exercise for a few minutes even if it's a short amount of time.  I am worth taking the time to read positive text and to digest that and use it in my life for good.  We have to know that we are worth it but more than this that we are doing something of value for our health and well being.  Taking the time to say yes to our needs and taking the time to do so even in spite of others tugging at us.  Saying to our five year old that mom or dad needs a time out.  Running in the park.  Taking a road trip to Michigan.  Anything can be a part of the process of taking care of yourself and being on what I call "a roll".  I am on a roll when I have a smoothie, exercise for thirty minutes and then make myself a good meal.  I am on a roll when I get enough sleep and I make that appointment to see my doctor before I get sicker.

Get on a roll ladies and gentlemen.  Get on a roll to see to it that your needs are met and that once you get on that roll that you won't stop until you feel good about it.  Get on a roll and ask your partner to baby sit the kids while you take a long long long walk.  Get on a roll, any roll.  But just start rolling.

Elliott Collazo Gozalez


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