How is is that when dads get ill it it their daughters.  I have the gift of having tow daughters not just one, both who are the brightest and most loving people anyone could ever meet.  There is a part of me that feel badly that they get shouldered with this responsibility because of their title.  After all what would people say if a daughter not come to the aid of her father?  Even the worse father gets some sort of compassion from their daughter.  Today I am grateful to have a daughter who is here allowing me to shed my tears and patting me and soothing me on my shoulders.  Asking me what I need or want and willing to sit through hours and hours with me to make sure that I get it.  She has literally been in the hospital for three hours without one complaint and without one negative word.

How blessed are these fathers with daughters like mine.  How very lifted they are to have such beautiful beings who care about them and would do anything for them.  I for one feel very blessed with one daughter here tonight and another one coming to see me tomorrow with lunch and on her lunch hour.  How blessed I am to have these two women in my life?  I say very blessed.

Maybe goddess selected two girls for me.  I use to say that God knew what he was doing by giving me two girls.  I wish I could say that I have been the best dad ever, but that would be a lie.  The thing about daughters is that they are forgiving and compassionate and that dads can make almost any mistake and it still gets forgiven.  There is something about women and truly the gifts of my life have been these two women.

I recall on client saying to me not to expect anything and that she did not.  I thought about it and I have adopted the same philosophy, I don't deserve or expect anything.  None of us should think that we deserve anything.  Perhaps some would say "I deserve respect" or " I deserve someone to love" yet at the core of life is the reality that really we neither deserve it or earn it.  We simply live
 each day knowing that whatever comes our way of good is just what came our way.  We don't even have to force it or wish of it.  We can just allow it to happen the way that daughters are daughters and sons are sons.

I want to shout out to the many wonderful daughters in the universe who in spite of any criteria love their fathers and their mothers, forgive their sins and stand by their side.  Maybe to sing a song as their father passes from the earth or to hold their hand if they are so lucky.


  1. We love you to Mars & back, Papi!

  2. Beautiful Elliott. Well said and very much received. Your daughters are pretty amazing! God has blessed you with them and them with you Dad! They adore you and it shows, that says a lot about who you are as a father! God Bless you. -Lani


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