Today the Joy

Today I experienced a lot of joy and I think it was because I did everything I could to make certain that I took care of myself.  I made a smoothie, I went to do light exercises at the health club for thirty minutes, I went to the store to buy some food I needed in the house and dinner and I even had  wonderful cupcake with coffee.

Taking care of yourself is the best path to joy.  Not the selfish me me me kind of self care but rather the kind of care that is essential.  All day long as I was taking such good care of me, I received many smile and great service everywhere I went.  It think people can sense when you are in a loving place inside and they respond positively automatically to it  Every step you take you take it with love like I did today and every step takes you closer to love.

Then I walked into Trader Joe's and there is that perfect card that says something about doing everything with love and loving others.  I think that is the message for me today.  Even when I got the call from my doctor who placed me on antibiotics to clear my infection and he told me my white count was too low or high, whichever indicated that I was still not on the mend.  I was grateful and happy to take the pills I need to get well.

Today I talked to the saleslady at the DSW about my daughters large calves and her need to have boots that could accommodate them.  She smiled and indicated that a few of the boots are designed for women like her and my kid.  She was so affirming and lovely I could of kissed her on the cheek.  What a wonderfully considerate thing to do I thought.  She went out of her way to show me exactly which boots I should be looking at for her.

Then there was the lady in the store who tried on two very dressy gold shoes and I could not resist but to share my vote for the more nude ones.  She was in turn delighted.  I told her she had pretty feet so she could surely wear them well.  It only took a moment but more importantly it only took my being spontaneous and allowing it all to flow.  Today was so joyful because I just lived it.

I found a pair of works shoes for my Pink Butterfly and I found another pair of work shoes for my Yellow Butterfly.  It was a good day for me because on top of finding the joy in it I was able to find two little items that my girls will like.  Maybe bring them a little of that joy in me.

I think that when we are happy we can spread it easily.  It comes from us and it just has to go somewhere.  We cannot keep it.  It has to be shared.  That's how this felt all day today.  Like joy sharing.  You just cannot help it.  Once your in your joy place it is easy to share it and the chances come to you as if you were a joy magnet.

I loved this day.  I may not have changed my health status or my emotional worries but for hours and hours I was just feeling the feelings and they were some good feelings.  I just let myself have them and enjoy the joy today and now.  That is what matters.  The joy you feel right now or like when my daughter said to me "I just needed to hear your voice".

Feel your joy.  I want to just ask you all to feel your joy.  Eat that cupcake.  Buy a pair of shoes.  Read from scripture, dance alone, sing a song, be in the moment.  Today feel your joy.

Eliott Collazo Gonzalez


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