A New Beginning

Beginning anew is for some of us one of the scariest things we will endeavor.  It requires first that we want to start anew and that most of all we believe we deserve to be happy again.  Most of the time a new start is associated with leaving a job or a relationship that we know in our hearts is toxic.  It could even be a friend that we understand is no longer in our highest good to continue to hang with.  Whatever the new beginning it is usually the fear of the unknown coupled with the belief that we can do better and that we deserve better.  No one knows better than we do that it is the right timing and that it is now that we must cease the moment and do something to change our trajectory and in turn effect our life in a positive way.

It is not an easy task to figure out that we must create a new beginning in an area of our life.   The truth is that if we have the courage to see it through we will end up finding the peace and joy we so deserve.  Fear will block our new beginning and it is the first thing we must acknowledge.  Writing down the best and worse thing that can happen if we let go of someone or something helps us to put it into a realistic perspective.  When we understand fully that the worse thing that can occur is not so be we are more likely to move into it and take a chance by leaving the past situation and moving into our future of happiness and property.  After all we are being guided to the place where we know deep inside we must go and do the things we must do in order to experience newness.

The benefits of starting anew are numerous and only we know what the key benefits may be for us individually.  There are however some general benefits from letting go and starting a new beginning like: feeling happier, feeling safer, feeling more confident, feeling relief and peace, feeling healthier and feeling a sense of pride for honoring ourselves and doing that which we know must be done.  Once we get over the initial hurtle of releasing the old and then embracing the new things in our life we will inevitably feel more confident and then feel more joy.  It is that initial step that we take that is the hardest part but if we dare to do it we will accomplish that long term feeling of inner peace.  Listing the benefits of letting go and then starting anew could be a helpful tool.  Keeping the benefits at the forefront of your decision will help you to process and get you to the next level, the level of enjoyment that perhaps you'd not experienced before.

There are many new beginnings in our life as a part of a normal life.  All of us will have loss and experience situations that will force us to start over.  There will be people who come into our lives and leave us.  There are people who we will meet in passing, have an incredible connection with and then never see again.  We can stay stuck in that place of loss or betrayal and drown in it emotionally and spiritually or we could see it as a part of living a full life whereby we take risks and we forgive and keep going.  I am not staying it is not going to be challenging at times, because in fact it will be.  We don't always want to let go, even when the universe is asking us to and even when the pain is loud and clear.  But the truth about life is that we must accept losses as a part of life and be able to handle those losses with eloquence and gracefully.  When we don't flow with the darker parts of living we stay stuck and being stuck is not any picnic for our physical and emotional body.

I admit that I have had to let go of some people in my life, some of whom I simply shared that for me it was just not in my highest good to continue having a connection with them.  Others have faded away over time while with others my intention is just to delete them from my contacts and my heart.  The reality of life for me is that some people knew how to love me and honor me while some have not.  I have developed a thicker skin for lack of another way to say it and understand that for some people intimacy is impossible, especially when it requires them to do some loving work or make a realistic normal effort.  I live in a village called Pingree Grove and it is peaceful and beautiful where I live.  For some people who live in the city about an hour from me this alone is too far for them to make the commitment to travel.  Some people have shared that I live in the "boonies" to connote that I live very very far.  In the end it is an excuse not to go out of their way to visit me.  In the end where I live is not the issue but rather the lack of others to take responsibility for their lack of commitment to our so called friendship.  Yet at the very core of all of this it is up to me to move on and let go with dignity and a loving heart.  It is not easy and I cannot say it has not hurt but the alternative is to hold those resentments that will eventually come back to make me ill.  Not an option.

As you take your new journey into the unknown know for sure that what awaits are wonderful, magical and sometimes scary new experiences.  Yet you will never have the wonderful experiences if you are not willing to get through the scary and fearful moments.  Start a new beginning and know that God will be your guide.  Start anew so that you will never regret anything about your life.


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