Why Trust?

I have been reading a book by Iyanla Vanzant titled "Trust".  In her book she shares the types of trust:
Trust yourself, trust others, trust God and trust the process of life.  I have a few more pages to complete the book but what I understand now is how important trust is in all of our processing and our life journey.   The best reason to trust in the process is that by trusting the process we understand that we have the skills to accomplish anything and if for some reason we don't, we trust that this is not for us.  We then move on to another plan that is aligned with what is suppose to happen.  When we trust we don't try to force anything, we simply move into what it is that is meant for us by trusting our intuition to know what it is we need.

I think that one of the hardest things for me has been to trust Source and to understand that God is going to provide me with exactly what I need when I need it.  I have to believe that God will hear me and trust that he or she will respond with love.  This can be challenging when we are undergoing difficult situations, especially health issues and the pain that comes with some serious illnesses.  Trusting will overcome just about anything yet being in our trust is seemingly impossible.  But trusting in God, in ourselves, in others we love and in the process is something we must be willing to work at each day.  The more self work we do that is spiritually influenced that more assured we will be that what is going to happen will happen with or without our intervention, at times understanding when we should be participating and when we should surrender to the process.

Intuition is something we all have although many of us don't access it because we don't realize and trust that we have that trait to help us to get through the tough times and help us to make the appropriate decisions, ones that we sense are good ones.  Our intuition is a part of us that knows instinctively that what we are doing or need to do next is the right thing for us.  We know this because it works for us and we see good results.   We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our intuitive side knows exactly what is needed for us to grow and feel a higher level of living.

Why trust?  When we do not trust ourselves we spend a lot of time second guessing ourselves and missing the boat.  We make poor decisions because we are in a place of distrust and when we are in this emotional place we make mistakes and make rash decisions, sometimes out of desperation.  When we do not trust others we end up upset because our distrust manifests betrayal and makes us bad at selecting who to trust.  When we don't trust in God we often times blame God for all that is wrong with our life, yet God has nothing to do with it.  It is our own distrust that continues to make us lost and disconnected from source and it is important to know that God is there and that there is nothing we need to do to earn his or her love and guidance.

I guess that answers the simple question about why we should trust.  When we trust in ourselves, in God, in others and in the process of life we create a balanced life that is full of joy.  Trusting helps us to know that whatever happens it is something we are going to overcome and that no matter what we experience we will be able to handle it, learn from it and become an even larger version of who we already are.  Trusting that we are everything we need to be, that we are smart enough and capable of finding solutions, helps us to live with zest and in some ways fearlessly.


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