Self Loving Acts

Self loving acts are those things that you do for yourself each and every day, at least once a day.  They can be little things like buying yourself some flowers, taking yourself out to a movie, cooking a healthy meal, sitting outside on your deck reading and enjoying some music or taking the time to meditate.  Whatever the self-loving action you take it should be one that nurtures you and that says yes to loving yourself.

There is much truth that loving yourself will make you a better lover of others.  When we love ourselves and ensure that we get what we need in life, we can fluidly and gracefully share some of that love with others, because in fact we have it in us.  Over time we develop a love for our own spirit and we learn that that kind of love is what will sustain us when we need it.  If we have love in reserve we can access it at any time.

Self-love is healthy and makes us understand immediately that any non-loving acts on the part of others is not acceptable for any amount of time.  When we love ourselves we do not allow others to inflict unkind words onto us nor do we allow anyone to abuse us in any way, shape or manner.  When we love ourselves with all of our heart we are making a functional choice and one that will nourish us at those moments when someone else might not be capable or able to love us in the way we want to be loved.  Besides we are the one who knows exactly how we would like to be honored and cherished.

We don't learn to love ourselves.  In fact if you were like me we were both raised to believe that loving ourselves was egotistic and selfish.  There was no such thing as self love and hence for many of us we have experienced all types of abuse.  Belieiving that self-love is selfish makes us less able to get through those times when what is important is what we think of ourselves.  That alone will get us though anything at any time in our lives.

When we are thirsty we drink water.  When we sad we cry.  When we are tired we go to bed and get some rest.  The point here is that we listen to our body and  our heart when needs arise.  We do some of the things we do automatically, except loving ourselves.  It is applying love to ourselves that is exactly like drinking the water when our body says to us that we are thirsty.  Self-love has to become something we do like eating when we are hungry.  It is a constant responsibility we must have and ask of ourselves.

Many times we move into a place of self-love when we lose a loved one or we are left by someone.  It is not until we believe we are messed up that we think to love ourselves through it.  But love my beloveds has to be constant and ongoing.  It cannot be something we run to do when times are bad but rather something we do all the time.  Even when we are with a person who we love and loves us we must take the time to love our being and do things that affirm us, without depending on any one else to validate us or do that which we should be doing on our own.

Self-loving takes time and effort and most of all it takes lots and lots of practice.  If you were raised like me you will need to practice it a lot by doing things that affirm the love and worth you have for your own spirit, your own soul, your own body and your own mind.  Every day is an opportunity to do something self-nurturing and every day is a new day.  It will be hard but do not give up, for the rewards are numerous and life changing.  Stand in your own value and know that who you are is not based on what others think of you but what loving thoughts you have of yourself.

Make a list of about ten things you are willing to do to nurture and love yourself.  Over the next week select one of those self-loving acts and complete it.  Here are some ideas:
Buy myself flowers
Go see a movie alone
Take myself out to dinner
Meditate for 15 minutes
Read for 30 minutes
Take a long bike ride
Buy myself a cool pair of socks
Workout for 30 minutes


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