What The World Needs Now

After the Orlando tragedy we are once again reminded that what the world needs now is love and lots of it.  We cannot fight hate with hate just as we cannot fight bigotry with more of the same toxic energy.  What we must attempt to do is to create an air of compassion. And kindness that will overcome the anger and hate that is involved when people do what the person did in Florida targeting gay people out of  sheer ignorance.

Sadly this may not be the end of a history of unexplicable incidents in our country.  More and more we are hearing the message that we are not as advanced and united as we think and that there is a lot of healing to be done.  But at the core of our healing is an emphasis on connection and teaching our children how vital it is to become our brother's keeper and do the very best we can to stay in that human connection so that we are aware of the imbalance when we see it and when we sense it.  We cannot cure our world of these tragedies but we can do our best to serve others who are in pain and who are crying out for attention.

As much as I would like to hate the man who killed the fifty people in Orlando I cannot hate him.  He is a product of some serious pain and he is our brother whether we like it or not.  He is only one of many people roaming the earth that are in need of compassion and someone to listen to them, reason with them and mentor them.  It is hard to forgive him for what he did yet God asks us to forgive everyone for everything.  The truth is that we have a lot of trouble forgiving the smallest of infractions never mind someone like a mass murderer.  But until we forgive him we cannot live in a place of love and of healing that part of us that stays in pain when we hate and we don't forgive those who "trespass against us".

We will soon forget what happened in Orlando but what we must not ever forget.  We must remember so that we are in awareness and so that we can do our best to see the signs that ask us to serve and to acknowledge the mentally ill,  helping them to address what is hurting inside of them so that hopeful there will not be another incident or at the very least less of them.  Like the Holocaust and other major events of human brutality we must not forget or minimize it so that we do not allow it to happen again.  We must do our very best to spread love and to reach out to others who may very well be saved by our willingness to help them and in turn we may avoid another tragedy.

We don't teach children to address their feelings.  In most cases we ask them to conceal them and that displays of anger are unacceptable.  Instead we should be inviting children to express their anger, sadness or shame as part of their life curriculum in school and at home.  We must see and hear every child who expresses feelings of hate and who bully others.  We must be willing to make every child a priority and understand that they are all different, some who need a little more attention.  When we become willing to address the many feelings and making them feel that all their feelings matter, the good ones and the not so good ones.

Our world is in need of healing and the only way to heal our world is with love.


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