You Are Not Ready When...

There are many people who are unsure about being in a relationship once they end one.  So many times people get into relationships when they are not yet ready.  Knowing the signs can be helpful in deciding whether to seek a new relationship.  Here are some of the important signs that you are not ready.

You aren't ready to be in a relationship if: 

You don't love yourself first: 
Loving ourselves first and foremost is the most important aspect of loving others.  If we do not love ourselves first loving others becomes a drill in co-dependency and in the long run makes for a less than happy interaction.  People who love themselves first are much more ready for  a realtionship and are better at ending ones that are not healthy.  People who don't love themselves first stay in relationships for years becasue the last thing on their mind is their own joy.

You you are self-conscious: 
What you think of yourself is one of the most important things to establish before you get involved with anyone.  If you are self-conscious and question your own talents, how valuable you are and your own beauty you are not ready to be in a relationship.  There are two things that can happen when we do not know our own worth: A: the person will take advantage of us, even abuse us or B: the person will eventually run from us after trying to fix us without success.  We must know who we are and value who that person is in order to be in a healthy relationship.

You are unhappy, fearful or in doubt about where you are now: 
Where we are in our life has an impact on any relationship.  When we are not happy of where we are in our life whether it is our professional life or our relationships with others it is almost impossible to have a relationship with someone else.  It is better to work on the things we find we need to accomplish before we get into a serious relationship.  Where we are in our life makes an impact on others who we get very close to and in the end no one can change where we are at in our life.  Being in the best place we can be in our own life will have a positive impact on anyone who we get involved with.

You are afraid of intimacy and  the responsibility: 
Many men especially are fearful of intimacy and the responsibility of a committed relationship.  When we are unsure of or afraid of how we will be in relaitonship we don't need to be in one.  It is best to evaluate whether we want to be in a committed relationship before we begin the process or even entertain the thought.  There are many people who fear intimacy because they have been in situations growing up where intimate relationships are negative or abusive.  If we fear commitment it is best to take a look inside and determine what is causing the blockage.

You are not ready to compromise: 
The success of a relationship is often times determined by the ability for the people in it to compromise and be willing to give.  There are many people who grow up beleiving that they come first all the time and every time.  There are also people who think themselves right all the time every time.  An inability to compromise and admit your own shortcomings is a red flag that tells us that we are not ready.  Compromise is a vital part of any relaitonship.

You don't trust yourself, others and God: 
Love requires trust.  When we don't trust ourselves, others, God and the process of life we are not ready to be in a long term loving sitaution with another human being.   Addressing our own trust issues is likely one of the most important aspects of being in a relationship.  When we do not trust it is one of the most damaging traits and will end a relationship in ways that can be devastating.  Mistrust leads to jealous and jealousy is unhealthy.

The problem with many people is that they jump into relationships to quickly.  Looking at those aspects that tell us whether we are ready of not will help us to make a sound decision about whether to move forward or not with someone we may be interested in.  Although there are risks in getting into a realtionship it is more about knowing if we are ready.  We can only have a good relationship if we are honest about whether we are in a good place and are ready.  In the end we must trust our instincts and our own ability to be honest about where we are at in our life.  IN this way we can be ready to be in a healthy relaitonship and not one where someone is driving our car to an unknown place and we are just a passenger.  We are truly not ready to be in a relationship if we are not in a loving place in our own life.


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