Is God Here?

I believe that God is everywhere and in every person.  I chose to believe that God has no limits as to where he or she can be.  I have seen God in my children, in my grandchildren, in my friends, in my pastor and in the people I meet. I have witnessed God in his or her actions.  God is good and merciful and he lives inside the people in all the jails all over the world who are guilty and the ones that are innocent.  God is truly here because he is without any doubt in my mind, everywhere we are.

Trusting in God's guidance is important and believing gets us through everything that challenges us and that will come along.  When we think about all that we have overcome we know with certainty that God is here and his or her grace is upon us on a daily basis.  But the one thing that we must be able to do is to claim God's grace and invite him in to our life.  It is that simple a decision for each of us every single day that we are alive.

For some God does not exist and they call themselves atheists.  I think that God is OK with non-believers and that he allows them to have that choice.  I am also certain that he is saddened for them at times when they are going through a bad time and he may even feel compassion because of their past unresolved pain directing them to be non-believers.  Yet just as we have alleged that there were dinosaurs on this earth we have also established through biblical writings that there is a God, one who sacrificed his life for our betterment.  In the end believing is a choice and I for one have made mine.  I too am OK with atheists.  I too feel compassion for them and I also feel it is their choice to make, just as it is mine to be a believer.

How do I know God exists?  That is an easy question.  I feel God in every experience and every step I take.  I feel God around me when I feel ill or emotionally weak.  I can intuitively hear God speak to me and give me the love and compassion I need when I need it.  I see him or her in every man and woman I know.  I know that God has kept me here in spite of some serious challenges and that there could be no other reason why I am alive after near death experiences in which I was saved each time. I chose to believe and I admit that any disrespect around my believing in God is simply not acceptable for me.  I will defend my spiritual beliefs and God as my higher power.

My God is an understanding God.  He or she gets me and I don't need to explain anything to him or her.  I have only to bring my sadness, pain or confusion to God and then trust that he or she will heal it, mend me and renew me.  Every time I have needed healing God has been there for me and so I am convinced that we are all worthy of God's grace.  All of us are worthy and all of us, believers and non-believers are considered to be children of God.  The only thing we are asked to do is to accept and embrace God.  The rest will be done.

Today I awoke a bit startled because I had a bad dream.  In the dream I was in conflict with someone from the past who I deemed an enemy at one time.  The conflict was about some money I was to pay her.  She brought a document of some sort indicating the total was 8,000 dollars to which I responded by throwing the bill on the ground and walking away.  She came after me and a struggle ensued.  My goal was to keep her from hurting me yet the entire time I felt badly about having a physical struggle with her about this past debt that she was trying to make me believe was mine.  I woke up angry and I had to talk myself through it, realizing this was only a dream.  I think that the mere fact that I saw her so vividly was enough for me to relive a part of that abusive relationship with her.  I have since been up for an hour and have asked God to take this feeling of upset away from me. I can feel it being lifted away.

When we ask God to heal our emotional or physical pain he or she will do that for us.  As long as we trust in God there is really no limit to what God will do for us.  Having faith in his or her presence in our life and knowing we are worthy of being happy is enough.  We cannot heal ourselves no matter what we do and most of us know that from our own journey in life.  God is the only one that can heal us and we need not fool ourselves into believing otherwise, especially those of us who have been close to the edge, thought it was the end and then made it.  There is really no other explanation.  God creates miracles and birth is just one of them.  Our rebirth is God's magical ability to make us new and help us to become whole.

I don't mind claiming the fact that I am a believer.  I am more assured of my belief in God today than I have ever been.  My life has taken many turns and God seems to always be there in his or her compassionate way.  I have learned that God is here, there and everywhere.  He or she has proven to me that no matter where I am emotionally, spiritually or physically God is there too.  Over and over in my life I have been asked to have faith and over and over again God has come through with what I needed.  God is here, God is there, God is inside of you, God is absolutely everywhere! And I say "Amen"


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