Love and Life

Love is a delicate walk.  At times what we might note is that love and hate seem to truly have a thin liine between them.  There was a song that comes to mind that the lyrics stated: "It's a thinner line between love and hate".  What I think as a life coach, a father and someone who has been married and happily divorced is that when relationships end or look as though they might people readily turn to anger and hateful feelings.  In fact what we know is that sadly some relationships have ended in the death of one of the people in it by the other party, usually the male.  As horrible as this is it is an example of how "love" can and does turn into "hate".  I say this in quotations because there is an argument for there not being love in the first place but rather the illusion of love.  Still no one can really say for sure except the people who are "stirring the pot", the two people having the relationship.

Love is a part of our life and if we were to share the truth love can hurt like hell.  Yet we cannot expect to love without understanding that it will hurt sometimes and that we must be prepared for anything to happen including the end of the relationship and the sometimes dramatic ways that people end them.  Love does not have a warranty and we cannot expect it to have a guarantee to work.  Some relationships work for the duration of one's own life or the spouse's death but many, if not the majority eventually end.

When it comes to the ending of a relationship we must be willing to look closely at the why.  I believe that some people end a relationship who are later regretful of having given up.  There is evidence of this in sitautions where couples end up remarrying the person that they divorced or end up dating their former spouse, like the women I am working with now.  Considering our motive for ending a relationship is vital and the main thing is that we not end it in the middle of a heard argument because when we do we many not be able to take it back.  Consideration should be taken when thinking about ending a marriage and everything should be talked out before the final decision is made.  It helps both parties to talk about why and air the laundry in hopes that the final decision is one that is solid.

Love is a part of life.  We can rarely go through life without falling in what we think or is love with someone.  The main thing to remember is that love has many forms and that sometimes we make a mistake and think it is love when it is something else: lust, lonliness, convenience, financial and even a thought that comes to us in a whim, without thinking about the consequences.  We know that there are women who on their wedding day are thinking about running yet they get married anyway only to determine later that they should have listened to their intutition on that wedding day when inside they knew the truth or their mom or dad did.  Still love is a part of living and to think we can avoid being hurt or making a mistake is simply silly on our part.

Love is not perfect and their will be times when there is conflict.  Love is work and we have to be willing to do the work, sometimes being the person who takes the highest plane and is the first to apologize.  Love is imperfect and if we think it will be all roses and love letters we will be disappointed.  But love is genuine and it does not have to be forced most of the time we are with someone we love.  It is organic and we don't have to look for it in desperation because when it is going to be it will happen because the universe makes it happen.

I would be missing something important if I did not mention dating websites.  For a period of about 8-12 months I used a website and thought I had found the one.  Long story short she was not just not the one, it was a truly hurtful and bad experience with someone who turned out to be a bigot with a family that was against her being with a Latino.  Early on I thought I had found a prize because according to her story, she and her family were "multicultural".  IN fact they were the furthest thing from what she sold them to be and her mom was in a word a raging Bitch (and I don't normally use that word for a woman), but she earned it because of her horrible treatment of me.  As a result of that experience I realized that this was not a natural way to meet anyone and that like me she was not ready for relationship but desperate to be in one.  It was wrong from the start because it was forced.  If we are to be in relationship it will happen naturally and organically.  We will never need to force love because Goddess will manifest love in our life when we are ready and not a moment sooner.

Love is life and life is love.  Be in love with you first and the rest will follow.


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