A Positve Life

Many are not aware of it but there are some truly distinct ways to illuminate negativity from your life and spirit.  The one thing that we must decide is that we will NOT NOT NOT continue to do the same things the same way and expect anything to change in our life.  We must, must, must do things differently in order to manifest a positive change for us and everyone surrounding us.  There are some very basic ways we can do this many of which include letting go of the "soft addictions".  Soft addictions can be anything from watching too much TV, wanting others to always accept us, drinking and eating too much or staying busy all the time, every day, day after day to avoid our thoughts and feelings.

Here are some easy ways to start a more positive life: 

Get rid of your TV : 
It is a known fact that we spend much too much time watching mindless programs on TV, never mind the commercials that use scare tactics to convince us to buy something or hire a lawyer.  According to commercials the tax man is coming for you, your teeth are yellow and your hair is the wrong color.  In fact it is television that is constantly bombarding us with lies about all kinds of things including how we fall in love and why we fall out of love.  It is filled with negative and suggestive garbage for our minds.  Much of what we see on TV is either sexual, violent or just plain stupid.  When we turn it off or get rid of our TV we illuminate a lot of negative effects on our sensitive system.

Start a daily practice: 
I believe in prayer but I don't expect others to believe what I do.  However, the fact remains that when we want to create positive energy we can do so through prayer, intention, silence and meditation.  Any type of daily practice honors us and keeps us centered.  For some a daily mediation or time of silence helps them to reset themselves and clear the cobwebs that they may be experiencing.  Even a daily practice of exercise or journaling can give us time to reload and to feel relief from the daily stresses of life: work, children, negative people, family issues and the like.  Starting a daily practice is just about staying in a place of self-nuturing and self-work and in the end will bring high benefits.

Situation and People: 
Let go of the situations and people who you know are a trigger for you and only elicit darkness, especially if they are unloading their negative situations and thoughts onto you.  Find the most loving way to release them to the universe and do it quickly.  You know what these people and situations are that effect you negatively and you know if it is indeed time to let them go.  When you release negative people from your life you are inviting positivity to your spirit.  There can only be good coming from this action that honors you. Even a job that causes you pause is something to move out of in order to live a more positive life.  Any person or situation that is not one that feels good or right for you is something to consider getting out of your path for good.

There is a difference in life when you live where you love living and where you feel safe and happy.  If you are not happy in our environment or where you live it may be time to make a change.  This may require you to move out of state and possibly out of the country where you live now.  It may only require that you fix your home up and create a home where you feel good in.  The universe may be asking you to paint the inside of your bedroom a calming beautiful soft blue or that you de-clutter your home and get rid of things that you don't need and that are weighing you down mentally.  Where you live and how you live makes a difference in how you feel.  Running away from your environment by staying busy is not going to serve you in the long run when the issue is that where you live is not bringing you peace and serenity.  For some living in a smaller home and downsizing helps them to create a more positive atmosphere.  For others moving to a warmer climate will make all the difference in the world.  Respecting and honoring where you live will create a positive effect on you and everyone you interact with.

Now that you and I have an idea about how to bring forward the positive let's practice a new way of living and doing things each day.  Let life challenge you to live differently and with more of a positive influence.  Do things differently so that you can get different and possibly better results.  What are the things in your life that need to be tuned out?  What are the addictions in your life that are in the path of your joy?  The answers are inside of you.


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