A Feeling of Confusion

Today I was on my way to an art showing. As usual I inputted the address into my GPS. To my dismay the instructions were not just wrong they took me miles out of my way. This was the second time around for me in just a few days and it frustrated and angered me the first time. Add to this the fact that I spilled an entire coffee Frape in the car on one of those lost days. As I headed back home from getting lost today I decided I was surrendering. It became obvious to me that it was no longer serving me to become angry or frustrated about what felt like a time to let go and to understand that focusing on pressing the pause button was the best thing to do. And so I did.

Whenever we are stressed and in our head it takes a purposeful effort to elevate that feeling that makes things much darker than they need to be or than they really are. Getting out of our head and into our heart stops the madness that creates the stress, anger, feeling of hopelessness and even rage. Knowing when to press the pause button in our life is the key to regaining our God given happiness and our own inner peace. It can sometimes take some truly menacing situations to make us pay attention. The best thing is to not deny those feelings but rather to look at them closer and then release them.

We live in situations that can be foggy and confusing but reliving them will not heal us. What will help is to acknowledge what we are experiencing and then step back. It may be that shining the light on our pain can be too painful at certain times. I say to others that denial is useful when it gets you through the threshold of life's insane moments, those times when you just cannot withstand any more. Behaving as though it is not a fact that we are terminally ill can be the best we can do to come out of it, live longer and defy the odds. It is true that we cannot deny everything but there are times when for the moment denial will get us thriugh it.

Today I ended my day by putting things aside and going out with my daughter to listen to world music. I allowed myself an escape from what seemed like an endless array of insanity. I let my mind and spirit rest from the perils of life. I moved away from the bomb that was ticking in me before it exploded or got bigger. I gave myself permission to step back and chill. Now I feel more ready to address the things that had me spinning. Now I can be clearer and more functional. What we must remember is that we don't have to resolve everything, every time, on time or right away. Now I know that doing so may add more fuel to there fire and that looking at things when I am ready is a self loving act of kindness.

What is getting your attention that you can put aside for later?


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