Reality Check

Every now and then we all need to take a reality check and ask ourselves why we continue to do the same things expecting that we will get different results. We continue to do things in the same way over and over again and think that somehow miraculously  we are going to experience something new from old behaviors and old actions, ones we have repeated without thinking.

Reality check number one is that we will not get different results by doing the same things in the same way.  The good news is that we can adopt a different view and a different approach if we just give ourselves some time to think outside the box we've been inside of for a long time.  The truth is that we can do things differently and get better results.

The very first thing to ask ourselves is whether we would like to see things happen for us differently from other times.  The other is whether we are willing to do something differently so that we can experience a better outcome, the one we would like to create in our lives.  If we truly want to get out of the box we are in and the situation we are inside of we must be willing to do things differently.

Listing what we want to happen in our life and then listing the things we do that contradict what we want is the first plan of action.  Look closely at the life you are living and the way that you are living it.  Look closely at the things you desire that have not happened to you as yet.  Then list the actions you are now willing to do in order to make your life into what you want and deserve it to be like.

Life does not just happen to us.  Life happens in accordance to your actions or lack of actions.  Life happens in accordance with what you are willing to do to create something better and something much more aligned with what your heart is saying you need.  Life happens to people who move into action and that are willing to do that hard work it takes to change their life.  Life happens to those of us who take the time to do that work and do it every day of our life.

Knowing and admitting what is true about our lives good or bad is the most basic step we can take.  We must be willing to admit what it going on in our life.  To tell the truth to ourselves and to do what we must do to excel and achieve what we want more of: happiness, financial gain, spiritual growth, unity, peace, serenity or a smooth transition.  Being in our reality and knowing what we are doing and not doing to create what we get is the key to reaching your highest vibration.


  1. To keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different result is the definition of insanity also I heard somewhere


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