Love Will Save the Day

Whitney Houston sang a song titled "Love Will Save the Day".  The lyrics of this song are beautiful but moreover very meaningful.  Love will save us and not just for the day but for a lifetime.  Love warts off whatever attempts to penetrate our spirit or make us believe that we are not worthy.  At the core of who we are as humans is love.  It makes perfect sense because we are born in that energy of love and only know otherwise when we become bitter or something happens that challenges our life.  For some of us it is when we forget that love is everything and that all we really truly need in life is love.

Love is at the core of who we are as humans and what happens to many of us is that we forget about love or we replace it with hate or other feelings that dominate us.  We do with feelings what addicts do with drugs.  We latch on to a feeling of loss because one person dies and now we have no room for love.  After all if this is a world of love why did our loved one die?  What we fail to understand is that we make our feelings what they are and that we become addicted to a feeling like anger or jealousy and allow that addictive feeling to overshadow love and take the love somewhere where we cannot find it.

Love finds us if it is what we desire most.  Just as darkness finds us we can select love instead.  This does not mean that we will never feel darkness because the reality is that because of darkness we know what light is.  We only need to know that we can select love over hate and light over darkness.  We can choose to sing rather than to scream or dance instead of fighting.  We have many choices at every turn in our day and in our life and choosing what is good for us says that we are worthwhile and we deserve to be happy,

Love will save the day because it is love that overcomes hate.  Love will save the day because it is love that will overcome the darkness and the idea that we are doomed.  Doom cannot be in our energy field if what fills us is love and kindness.  Love will save the day, one day after the next, if we make a conscious decision that we will live and act in a place of love.


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