Five Ideas to Lift Your Spirit

I am a huge advocate for focusing on yourself and dong things that will lift us up.  With so many people running about in critical crisis mode what is left for us is the notion that we must learn to wart off the energy that is bringing us down and keeping us there.  This is why we must have some strategies to lift ourselves up and create a beautiful energy of happiness and contentment even when things are not going so well.  Here are some ideas:

Volunteer: Do some volunteer work and at the same time get off the pity pot.  Find ways to help others that are in need more than you are and who could use a helping hand.  There are many ways this can be done such as volunteering at a senior home, a homeless shelter or a facility for battered women.  If you don't find satisfaction in one type of loving work then try another.  Figure out what your passion is and volunteer in that area.  Nothing spells L-O-V-E like placing some of our good energy into helping others.

Serve: Look at life as a chance to serve.  As long as you are able serve others in every way possible. s Look for and ask Source for ways to serve others.  Ask your higher self what it is that you could do to make this place a better place to live in and create connections with every person you come into contact with even if it is for a short time.  Smile at others, compliment a sales clerk, help a senior citizen put their groceries in the car.  Serving others is a gratifying way to live.  I always say that I am unsure as to how anyone has lived their life without serving others and without tithing their talents by volunteering.

Commit to You: Make a commitment to your inner self and child to do and say things that bring forward your highest self.  Focus some time on your inner spirit and your well being by promising yourself that you will do things like exercise, reading, meditating or taking a class.  Commit to and invest in you in ways that speak to your inner child and your spiritual being.  Nothing is better than feeling like you are worthy by doing things that feel good to you.

Meditate and Exercise: This is so important!  Keeping active in spirit and body are two things you can do that will lift you up daily  Get some form of exercise daily and meditate at least once a day for 15 minutes, increasing it over time.  When you meditate you are giving yourself the best gift: serenity.

Feel the Feelings and then: Feel your feelings and express them.  Feel the feelings of sadness, cry about it and then brush yourself off and look inside for answers.  Move on kid!  Don't stay stuck in the part where we often get stuck which is to be in denial and not admitting you have a feeling.  If it hurts let it hurt, acknowledge it and then move forward by asking questions that elicit action.  What do I need now?  What do I need to do to apply some love to this situation and to my feelings of?  Don't hide under the covers pretending as though no one can see you  Everyone around you knows you are under there.

There is a song by Gilberto Santa Rosa that I love that is called "Pueden Decir".  It is a beautiful ballad in Spanish that means They Can Say".  "They can do what they want with me but I will never forget you" he sings and goes on to lyrics that basically say that people can talk and say what they want but I know what I am feeling.  Only you know what you are feeling and what lifts you up including a person in your life or an individual in your family.  Only you know what ideas are in your heart that will make you sing inside.  People can say what they will but we know who we are and what it is we must do to soar.


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