Living Single and Happy: Part 2

I did not expect such a good response from my readers on the first part of this blog on "Being Single and Happy".  Living alone has become a great way for me to discover all the great ways to become a happier human being and allow myself the love and laughter I deserve.  I have even understood more clearly that I can have a time of my life all alone and with people who truly see me and value me.  After placing so much emphasis on relationship I know now that the person who was neglected by me was me.  When we do that we have no one to blame but ourselves.  The more I am single the more I learn to:

1. Uncover Things about Me
2. Find New Ways to Challenge Myself
3. Learn to Be Centered and Happy Alone
4. Make Time for What I Really Want to Do
5. Look at Myself as Worth and Beautiful

Uncovering new things about myself has been easy because now I am not engaged or being engaged by anyone else but myself.  I have none of the distractions that I had when I was in a relationship or better said "an encounter".  I have this clear sense of myself and I like myself.  When we are alone it is the best time to get to know who we are in all aspects of our life.  We see more clearly the things that make us joyous and the things that don't.  We uncover interesting things about ourselves like that we are sexy or that we are alluring.  We get a full on view of the characteristics that make us who we are and we begin to see how wonderful we really are.

If I did not find new ways to challenge Elliott I would get bored.  At times the biggest challenge is getting out of the house and out of the rut I was in before when time seemed to stand still and I sat and waited for someone to come home or to show up for me.  Now I show up for me and I challenge myself to do new things that I have not done before.  If it means driving to Walmart to get myself some ice cream at midnight then so be it.  If it means skate boarding for the first time great.  When we are single is a great time to test different things and be a little more daring.  Challenge yourself to do things you have never done before.  Being single is the perfect opportunity to do what you would not have done before you graduated to single hood.

Being single teaches us to be happy alone.  We must relearn this concept that someone out there will make us happy.  In fact in my case that someone seemed to make me frustrated, angry, miserable and annoyed.  Learning to be happy alone is as simple as practicing it.  Going it alone and doing fun things alone helps a lot.  We don't have to be with someone else to be happy.  Practice makes it perfect and take my word for it.  I have turned it into an art.  I talk to people at the grocery store and in the park way more readily than ever and have even laughed alone, especially at the thought that some person without any people skills or life skills could make me better or smarter or happier.  It is a stupid concept and the sooner we realize it the better.  Happiness is what happiness does.

Making the time to do the things you want to do is key.  Just decide that today you will do those things you want to do and do them.  Make time for yourself every single day.

You are worthy and beautiful.  I recall in the movie "The Help" when the black servant said to the white child she took care of and asked her to say these words: "You is kind, you is smart, you is pretty and you is loved".  We must be able to tell ourselves each day that we are beautiful and worthwhile.  It is the most basic step to livng a single life that is clear and concise.  Tell yourself what you need to hear.  Here is a starter: "I am a beautiful human being deserving of compassion, respect, love and kindness."  Say this until you believe it and remember that there is no one better to reinforce your worth but you.  You alone know yourself best and being single is not a reason not to love who you all the time.  And I do mean ALL THE TIME.

Being single is a lifestyle and making it work for you means that you do all the things you have been meaning to do.  When it comes to knowing yourself and who you are, you are the best judge of you.  Don't let anyone rain on your one woman parade.


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