Believing In Something or Someone

I remember meeting someone's brother and knowing immediately that he was an atheist.  My intuition told me this information and when I shared it with my former friend he denied it as though he had no doubt I was wrong.  The next time we went to visit his brother I simply asked him if he believed in God to which he responded: "No, I am an atheist".  Right there in that moment I knew that his brother's denial was attached to something he wanted to conceal about himself for as it turned out he too was an atheist who was in the closet.  In both cases I was not in judgement but did think about their poor behavior and how it might be related to them being non-believers in anything.  What I feel today is that we must believe in something or someone.

Here are my thoughts:

Believing in yourself:
When we believe in ourselves we are saying that who we are is special and worthy of whatever comes to us of good.  When we believe in ourselves we live a genuine life where we expect to be respected and where we know magical things can happen in our life.  When you believe in yourself you understand that you are empowered and that you are capable of doing great things, hence you will do great things.  Believing in you is like voting for yourself.  You understand that you are like a miracle and that nothing can stand in the way of your joy and what is rightfully yours.

Believing in a Higher Being:
Some of us believe in a higher being like God, goddess, Buddha or another source that we can call upon when we need assistance, guidance or clarity.  Believing in a higher power does not mean that we have to believe in God but it does mean that we are among the ones who understand that there is a lot that cannot be explained away and that a higher power must be involved.  Believing in a higher being gives us the extra support we may need in times of peril.  Many of us believe in a higher being and some of us call him or her God.

Believing in the Universe:
When we believe in the universe we believe in a kind of mother nature.  We don't harm the trees and we do our best not to allow the extinction of certain animals.  We treat the earth with respect and love because we believe we are a part of it.  Believing in the universe means that we believe that all things are here for a purpose and we do our very best not to destroy it.  When we believe in the universe we know we are sacred and everything that surrounds us is sacred as well.  We honor mother nature and her rivers, streams and land.  We don't liter and we keep the universe clear of negative energy and negative actions.

Believing we are one and interconnected:
Some of us understand that we are not all separate and as different as we think.  We understand that we are all connected in some way and that harming another person is like harming our brother or sister.  Believing that we are one means that we believe we are each other's keepers and that we are on this earth to help one another.  Belief in the fact we are connected ensures that we in fact family and that the way we treat each other is important.  We walk through life finding ways to be of service to others and we have love and compassion for each other.

Believing in Karma:
I like this belief almost the best.  It is the belief that what we do comes back to us.  If we do evil we end up getting evil back at us.  Believing in the law of karma is the same as understanding that our actions matter and that with every action there is a reaction.  We cannot separate our behavior from the consequences of our behaviors.  Karma is when we live life with a knowing that what we do and how we treat others is essential to our physical and emotional health.  Those who don't understand karma often feel like victims and will make statements like: "Why do bad things happen to me?"  These folks don't get the law of karma and the law of cause and effect.

Believing in Love:
We cannot go wrong in life if we believe in love.  Love is a healing agent and has been since the beginning of time.  People who believe in love do not believe in hate.  They are the people who strive to be good to others and to live in a place of love.

What might I ask do you believe in?  Elliott Maximo Collazo


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