Games People Play and Why

Life seems a lot like a game and to some it is almost exclusively a game.  It is a game of survival, a game of who is right and who is not, a game of who can make who  wrong and a game of how much we can get without exerting ourselves.  People seem to like to play the game of life and at times that games can become serious mishaps and result in severe consequences.  In order to live life we have to be in an awareness about the games people play and why they play them.

Here are some games people play and why:

1.  The game of making the other person wrong
2.  The game of who is smarter and better
3.  The game of lies
4.  The game of survival
5.  The game of getting more than you give

The game of making the other person wrong is one that is likely the most common way of manipulation.  In this game your partner does everything possible to get you to believe you are wrong almost all if not all the time.  This is a game of control because if they can make you wrong then they can make you believe that they are almost always right.  This game is self-serving in that the person is consistently finding ways to make you feel inferior so that they can feel superior.  This is not a game of love but rather a game of deceit and of control.  People who play this "make your wrong" game are ones who have a need to be on top at all times and to keep you down.  The reason people play this game of making your wrong is that they really feel inferior to you and feel that by making you wrong they will gain some false form of hightened self-esteem.  Unfortunately people who want to make you wrong have been raised in situations where nothing they did was good enough and are still suffering the backlash of that kind of upbringing.  In love there is not room for making someone wrong because in true love there is not a need to play this game.

The I am smarter than you game is often paired with the make you wrong game.  In this game the person you are with or have a relationship with finds fault in you and will correct you about anything and everything they can find to correct you about, however small or minor.  This is a game of put downs and involve direct or indirect insults, sometimes coached as jokes.  People who play this game like to challenge you about things they know you are not well versed in and that they are good at.  It is an opportunity for them to make you look dumb.  People who play the "I am smarter" than you game find ways to correct you and make you feel inferior to them.  The reason they play this game is because they are not that smart and they are finding ways to hide it by trying to make you feel badly or inferior to them.  In reality it is they who have a serious self-esteem issue and who feel dumb.

The game of lies is just as it states.  People who lie a lot are hiding something deeper and have secrets that outnumber the lies they are telling you and others.  People who lie need to believe their lies and at times literaly do believe their own false stories or made up information.  The reason people lie is because they are ashamed of the truth.  It is like when someone tells you their mom is great and she truns out to be a raging alcoholic who use to beat them up as a child.  People who lie need to lie to feel like their life matters and that they have to make up lies because the truth hurts too much and the truth is not as pretty and tidy as they would like you to believe.  The reason people lie is to cover up the truth yet as my grrandmother said to me "You cannot cover the truth with your hand".

The people who play the game of survival are ones who have been playing all kinds of games all their life in order to survive.  They lied to survive, they cheated to survive and they stold things to survive. These people have been playing all the games and more because they learned to do so in order to survive, at least that is what they will say to justify the things they do.  These people may sometimes seems like heros but in reality they are cowards.  They often make up strories of survival that are not true in order to get others to feel sorry for them while pulling the wool over the other person's eyes.  The game of survival is one that people justify because they have learned that in order to survive they must play the survival game of life.  The reason they do this is to manipulate others and to make themselves look like poor little innocent victims when in reality they are wolves.

The game of getting more than you give is an old old game.  In this game people find ways of taking and taking and taking and are good at not giving.  In fact they are takers.  They will make you feel that if you don't give them what they want they will no longer love you or that you will have no more use for them.  The people who take and then take some more learned this behaior because they were made to feel entitled.  The reason they are takers are in part is a feeling of false superiority.

Whatever game someone plays on you just be aware of it and then put it to a stop imeediately.  Understand that this person who is playng a game on you is not the person for you.  Being in awareness is key and knowing who you are is important to ensuring that people nt play those games on you.  Lastly, don't be the person who plays the games back.  It does not help and it does not work but in fact serves to worsen the situation.


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