Five Good Reasons For

This blog has taken me off the beaten path, the Believe series of blogs, to a subject I did not think I would be this well versed in since I avoided living in the suburbs almost all my life.  Now I am sixty one and have lived in the "burbs" for a couple of years and absolutely LOVE it.  Today I was thinking about why it is such a joy to live here when the painter rang the bell, came in to the living and kitchen area that is open and looked out the sliding doors announcing how beautiful a view I'd gotten once again. It prompted me to look again and note that not only did I buy a new three bedroom, 2.5 bath home I had this killer view of nature including a small lake one can see from most of the home.  All for only 220,000 with the closing costs thrown in, a fridge and 3,000 off the asking price.  A beautiful new home just for me.  But I once more digress because this blog is about the five great reasons why I live here and possibly why others do as well.

1. Nature: In the suburb of Pingree Grove one gets lots of trees and plants all around you.  Nature is everywhere and the birds are chirping, the geese are squawking and the light from outside fills the rooms.  In front of my home and others there is a large tree, shrubs and room to plant flowers.  The view in the back is amazing and the water shimmers when the sun hits it.  Tall grasses grow around the perimeter of the lake that sway with the wind.  With nature all around you the breathing is optimal and the fresh scent is not from a laundry detergent but from the grass, trees, leaves, plants and beautiful landscapes on hills.  Nature is so much more evident here and it is by far the main reason I live here.

2. Safety: Where I reside I often times forget to lock my doors and windows.  The crime rate here is very low and the feeling of security is new to me.  Unlike the city the people who live here seem to care about what is going on and the children's laughter is everywhere.  I feel much safer here because I am.

3. More Bang: I should be honest and say that one of the things that impressed me about this area in the burbs is the price of the homes.  For what you would pay three times the amount in a decent to good area in the city you get here for less.  It is much more affordable and you get a lot of home for your money.  This home is a reasonable price and has a wonderful floor plan with an open concept living, eat in kitchen and kitchen in one.  I personally love the open areas and enjoy living in a light filled and open space.  Even though I am about an forty five minutes to an hour from the city, depending on where I need to be, I feel as though I am at a resort in my "resort community with a clubhouse that provides a conference party room, a library, a kid's room, a lounge area, a game room, a baseball field, a workout room and a dance/yoga/meditation room.  It is a lot to get for only 65.00 a month.  In the city you can pay 200-2000 a month and get very little to nothing in amenities.

4. Peace and Quiet: The burbs are more quiet.  There is less hustle and bustle and less traffic and noise.  People are less inclined to be loud and on the contrary from the city they are normally more quiet and at peace.  There is a lot less stress in the burbs and in general it's just much more quiet.  Here I can enjoy the birds singing and as I look out my window geese flying in formation at dusk.  Amazing how one can appreciate something that you think you are not missing in the city.  The truth is that the suburbs are less hectic and life here is lived at a normal pace rather than one where one is almost running from things constantly.

5. Parking: I go to downtown Elgin and realize I don't ever have to pay for parking.  There are not stupid pay boxes and I don't need to worry about getting a ticket.  I recall visiting the city for a few weeks and getting about 600.00 dollars in tickets divided up between parking, photo enforced lights, speed traps, radar traps and more.  It was for me a validation that I was "over it".  Parking in the suburbs is usually free and one can park right in front of the store or close in proximity.  It is a blessing not to have to worry about parking.  Here it feels like you get more for your taxes even if the difference is not that much than others are paying in the city.  I remember when Mayor Daley sold the street parking to a private company.  That was the day that I thought to become the parking king and not pay for parking by looking like mad for a free spot, even if I parked ten blocks from where I was to go.  It is refreshing not to pay for parking and to always have  parking that is relatively close or very close to where I am going.  In Elgin here is even a free parking lot.

6. Education: To be continued:


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