Believing Is Living

For those of  you who don't know it already I believe in a higher being and my simple reason for believing is that we cannot explain away everything as some would like.  For some the scientific explanation for our existence dates  back to the apes and if we follow that path we are decedents of apes.  I honor everyone for their own beliefs and will add that I think that explanation ridiculous.  It may be that I do not want to accept that I evolved from the apes but on the other hand if someone has not witnessed the birth of two daughters like I did then maybe that might cause the non-believer to understand that the miracle of life cannot be a result of some ancestry to apes and that this alone really has no logical explanation even when we follow the sperm to the egg and the conceiving process.  In fact we have often fail at having children even with the intervention of doctors and intense and "invasive" fertilization procedures.  I don't know all he answers and I don't think I ever will.  The nature around us, the birth of a child, the miracles that involve people healing completely from a terminal illness or the spiritual and intuitive gifts some of us have tapped into.  Hence my response is that we cannot explain everything with science and that is why I believe there are things that cannot be explained away except to believe in a higher being that is behind the miracles we call life.

I have been living with cancer for over ten years now.  I could have been dead by now if not from the cancer from the harsh and "barbaric" treatments for it.  I wish I had listened to my intuition a long while back because I would have surely not ended up where I am now.  All be it I am alive and grateful for that because there is something to the medical profession and some of the treatments however harsh and barbaric as some holiistic doctors put it.  We practically kill someone to cure them and in many cases people die from the treatments like I believe my mother in law did.  It all comes down to believing and I believed I would live, prayed over it and even shared that I was not fearful of death with God and everyone I loved.  I was ready to go if that was to be my fate.  I still am.  Yet what I know is that my believing has kept me alive and in many ways more whole now than ever, even giving me the courage to get out of an abusive relationship even though it meant losing my insurance.  Cancer cured me of not just being with an asshole it cured me of the darkness I choose to live in for so long.  Today I believe in a higher power because I know that it is the only explanation for my courage and desire to live.

Believe in something is what I say.  Believe in an entity that is there when you need it, him or her.  Believe that you can overcome things that are dark and come to the light.  Believe that there is a power outside of you that will lift you off the floor when you are in distress.  Believe in the love that can and will heal you.  The love of family and friends and the fact that even if you are alone you are worthwhile and whole. Stand for something and understand that if you don't believe in anything it may be the very reason you are repeating patterns that feel harmful and are dark and weary.  I love what one person said to me about believing in God.  "If it turns out there is not a God then I will have lived a more fruitful life because I believed in God".  He may not have said it in those words but I recall that it came down to this.  There is not harm in believing in God and in fact it could turn out to be beneficial.   This is the very reason that everyone deserves forgiveness, even the man who killed his wife.  We are not ones to judge him even though he did something that we deem horrible.  In many case like this men and women have turned to God realizing that there lack of belief was the reason they made such a serious mistake.  I for one am not the expert nor the judge of people who make these serious mistakes.  God does not stop people from making mistakes but rather allows us our own mind and control of our lives.  We decide to do otherwise.  Some may say that if God exists there would not be the tragedies in the world.  It really reduces itself to blaming God for our actions as humans whether we evolved from apes or not.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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