"Authentic Power or Empowerment?"

I have been writing about the subject of power versus empowering and have pretty much made a decision for you all to say that power is not the same as empowerment.  I no longer feel a need for power but rather to be empowered.  Power is in itself an illusion and only something that lasts so long, even if it is someone exercising power because they have a lot of money, like Donald Trump or the rock stars on the show "Shark Tank".  Money is a wonderful thing to have but using money for power is something I am not in agreement with, even if many of us promote it and almost worship people who are rich.  I say that they may be rich monetarily but not so much spiritually and that spiritual strength and belief in something of good is empowering and that empowerment is much preferred over power.  I cannot say this enough.  Power is what we throw onto others and for many reasons one of which is control.  We cannot control others with money even if it works temporarily.  In the long run there will be others who run from us for being bullies and attempting to get our way with money.  So how are we empowered and why is that more important than "authentic power"?

First of all there is not such thing as power and least of all authentic power.  The descriptor "authentic" should not be in the same sentence as the word power because what matters in life is not that we have power but that we are empowered.  When we are empowered we are more authentic and in our truth.  We feel strong not because we have a lot of things but because we don't place all of our energy in obtaining and getting stuff.  We place our energy in obtaining and giving love equally to the people we work with and the ones we claim to love.  We place our energy in things that matter most like our spiritual practice or our babies well being.  We are empowered because we make good choices and we make them with our highest vibration and highest good of all mankind.  We are not in the illusion that we are better than others and that others must know this so that we can feel powerful.  There is no need to have power when we are empowered.  This will come as a natural result of living an "authentic" life.

I have loved people who truly feel as though there sense of value comes from whether they can afford Gucci clothing and drive a Porsche.  There would be nothing wrong with that if it were not for the fact that if we take that away from their life equation they freak out.  When they can no longer afford a lavish lifestyle they can go as far as to hurt themselves.  It is that imperative to them that they have those high end goods and are living the "high life".  Nothing matters more than success, especially monetary success.  Children of rich people who believe they will not inherit the goods might decide to off their parents in an attempt to inherit the goods in the end.  It is not that rich people are this extreme but that this is the extreme result at times and verifies how much we admire money over love, connection or a life that is filled in every aspect: Spiritual, Emotional, Financial, Physical and Creative.  Why do some people get tangled in the web of power?  There are so many reasons it is hard to determine which one is more important or telling of them.

We are taught in kindergarten that life is a competition.  We are then asked in first grade to continue to compete but at a higher level and we go on to high school where the competition is at an even higher level and winning means everything.  We are made to believe that success is everything and that success means having a lot of money.  It is no longer a world where we admire serving and doing what speaks to us but rather one where there are the "Haves and The Have Nots".  We even exaggerate it on both sides.  Either all the rich are these greedy bad folks and the poor are nice people or the poor are stupid and the rich are smart and witty.  We cannot seem to figure out if we should be one of the haves or one of the have nots but the entire time what is reinforced is that success still means being smarter, having a fabulous car and a fabulous life.  At the core of our life lessons is still the idea that we must compete and that this is a doggy dog world.  It is much too black and white and underneath the innuendo is that to be one of the rich people we have to step on a few toes, maybe kill a few people along the way.  We must understand that this black or white depiction of life is not realistic.  There are many gray areas about life, success and what spells joy.

We are know there is at least one candidate for president that has little to zero experience in matters of governing and government.  This of course did not stop him from running for president and in fact his monetary richness is likely the sole reason someone like this would be so delusional as to think he could run this country void of any spiritual beliefs, at least not any he has expressed to any of us who are believers in having a president with a soul and experience in government.  This seems to have eluded him.  (to be continued)


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